P38A My Friend's desk

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Maidstone, Kent
I don't think I've ever posted this here and thought I would share it. I hope you don't view it as sacrilege!

A friend of mine has a bit of a P38 as his office desk at home. He contacted a breaker and told them what he wanted to do and they actually cut it, delivered it and helped him situate it for a ridiculously low price at the time, I can't remember exactly how much but I'm sure it was well under £500.

Whilst Range Rover desks aren't a new idea, I've never seen one done like this, it works so nicely and is a great way to close it all off at the end of the day by simply shutting the tailgate.

Hope you enjoy this and I still cannot fathom how they got it up the stairs to the back bedroom of a 2 bed house in one piece but they did!

It's been in for several years now.

My favourite part is that the tinted rear window obscures the light in the room so he had to get a desk lamp in there :)
I must admit to having thought of removing the rear "cut" including the windows off the spares car, and making it into a beer fridge/freezer for our summer kitchen.
But have since retyred so dont have enough time :rolleyes:.

I expect it was a front end damaged car as it would have been crazy to scrap one in seemingly such nice condition and low miles. Were they at peak depreciation in 2009 perhaps? I know it was a breaker that he bought it from.
I did think of a trailer for the back end of one to hook upto mine for camping. Cooking and storage in the back of mine (removable) and the trailor would be the sleeping car🤔😎
Been there, done that. I built this utterly pointless thing a fair few years back. Made my life so much harder by wanting it to be over over 2.4m internally and then having to slice the front doors and keep the sunroof etc.

Yes, it was stupid, yes it was realistically too heavy to be of much use but it was a a good challenge and got a a lot of laughs. Yes it was a PITA to sell on and no, I didn't make any money out of it at all.

Am I glad I did it? Yeah, it was an achievement for me.
