Lord Hippo
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This fred has nothing to do with you as you don't have a Freelander 1. You admit above you're not sure of how a FL1 vcu works. Putting down the work being done in a condensending mannor doesn't give you the moral high ground you seem to want to acheive. If you don't like what's being said/done, don't get involved.More like adding a bit of sense to a nonsensical imagined problem. But carry on with your sillyness. You can't even explain what all this is trying to prove.
It has clearly been said I'm not going to advise what I have been doing, other than the information I've put up so far. I want peeps measurements first. All I want to know is the answers to the OP. I'm greatful for those who help with this. I admitted above there IS a new method of testing a vcu, which I HAVE done, on the test rig I HAVE used. Your comment that it can't be done is daft when you consider it already has. Yes the applied torque is considerable, but so is the motor driving the vcu. The motor is heavier than me and has considerable power. The test is also very very dangerous to do, which will be highlighted as part of the write up at a later date. I was very close to damaging my arm while doing the test as I made a mistake. I don't have to answer to you especially when you're only here to cause trouble.
The new test has the ability to turn a vcu several times per minute. I'm not posting up the figure yet. It's not a question of IF it can happen. It's a fact it HAS happened and I HAVE filmed it. I plan to film more at the weekend. I'm close to finding the constant speed a vcu can be turned before is "seizes" up, or betterer put: activates. I have several camcorders some of which can film at 250 frames per minute on low bit rate.
This is not the first time you have gone out of your way to put down whats being done. You tried to destroy the ird ratio fred, this fred and not that long ago accused me of not knowing about diesel engines, when I asked questions as oppoesed to your desire to tell me I stated incorrect facts, which I didn't make. If you really do have a problem with what I'm doing, and you want to push me to put in public whats going on, then call my bluff to a mod. I will then tell said mod in confidence whats being done to confirm it's FACT, and supply EVIDENCE. The mod will be asked not to put up detail, only to confirm if the new test is real or not.
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