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Hi everyone, first post here as I’m at abit of a loss on what route to go with a gearbox problem on my td6..
Apologies if it has already been covered but I have tried looking..
All started last week when I started it and the battery light was on, being that I was less then 3 mins away from home I drove it home and by the time I got there I had ABS faults on dash and transmission in fail safe mode which I was semi expecting being the alternator wasn’t doing anything and it being dark so I had headlights on etc. BUT as I pulled up onto the drive, the alternator must of jumped into life and the abs lights went out along with the battery light but the trans fail safe mode stayed.
So I turned the car off and restarted, everything all good but still in trans fail safe and (at a guess they have a limp mode) the transmission was in limp mode. Turned it off and restated it and tried again, trans fail safe now gone and car driving as normal and like nothing happened,
The next day I jumped in the car to drive it and when I pulled away I now have no drive, put it into reverse and all okay and car moves, go back to drive and nothing, doesn’t even feel like it’s trying.. tried manual gear selection and still no drive. Took the battery off and charged it and left everything to power down with no battery connected for 24 hours and it’s still all the same and no drive but will go into reverse and move in reverse.
Plugged in and checked codes - none relevant only one for low battery voltage as expected. Checked data logger and PCM is showing 14.4v but the transmission control module is only showing 10.2v when running and seems only 1 of the 3 solenoids in the gearbox are working? so I’m assuming that’s possible where my fault is, but I have also noticed the sump on the transmission is seeping oil and now not 100% sure whether it’s just cause the oil is poss too low or whether alternator is messing about and poss causing the transmission to not get enough power?!
I’m now debating whether I should be pulling the sump off and checking wiring etc on the TCM (I’ve checked the plug going into the g/box and all looks okay) or whether I should just change oils and see what happens? Or if I need to order an alternator but don’t really want to put one on it if the gearbox is dead. Or if someone if clued up enough and advises me the gearbox is dead and it needs replacing then there will be a cheap l322 td6 available at the weekend
Thanks for any advise and sorry it’s a long one. Hopefully I haven’t blown my gearbox up!
Apologies if it has already been covered but I have tried looking..
All started last week when I started it and the battery light was on, being that I was less then 3 mins away from home I drove it home and by the time I got there I had ABS faults on dash and transmission in fail safe mode which I was semi expecting being the alternator wasn’t doing anything and it being dark so I had headlights on etc. BUT as I pulled up onto the drive, the alternator must of jumped into life and the abs lights went out along with the battery light but the trans fail safe mode stayed.
So I turned the car off and restarted, everything all good but still in trans fail safe and (at a guess they have a limp mode) the transmission was in limp mode. Turned it off and restated it and tried again, trans fail safe now gone and car driving as normal and like nothing happened,
The next day I jumped in the car to drive it and when I pulled away I now have no drive, put it into reverse and all okay and car moves, go back to drive and nothing, doesn’t even feel like it’s trying.. tried manual gear selection and still no drive. Took the battery off and charged it and left everything to power down with no battery connected for 24 hours and it’s still all the same and no drive but will go into reverse and move in reverse.
Plugged in and checked codes - none relevant only one for low battery voltage as expected. Checked data logger and PCM is showing 14.4v but the transmission control module is only showing 10.2v when running and seems only 1 of the 3 solenoids in the gearbox are working? so I’m assuming that’s possible where my fault is, but I have also noticed the sump on the transmission is seeping oil and now not 100% sure whether it’s just cause the oil is poss too low or whether alternator is messing about and poss causing the transmission to not get enough power?!
I’m now debating whether I should be pulling the sump off and checking wiring etc on the TCM (I’ve checked the plug going into the g/box and all looks okay) or whether I should just change oils and see what happens? Or if I need to order an alternator but don’t really want to put one on it if the gearbox is dead. Or if someone if clued up enough and advises me the gearbox is dead and it needs replacing then there will be a cheap l322 td6 available at the weekend

Thanks for any advise and sorry it’s a long one. Hopefully I haven’t blown my gearbox up!