I doesn't make a lot of sense for the EKA to operate the way you describe but with JLR anything is possible.
@pwood999 Having re-read your posts the penny has dropped. I realise you are not turning off the immobiliser when you turn off the EKA function. Petrol or diesel, that can never work.
Briefly, the sequence of events is as follows:- starting with the car locked. press unlock on the FOB, if the BECM receives a valid code, it enables the immobiliser function, the mobilisation code is sent when the key is inserted in the ignition.
Again, starting with the car previously locked with the FOB, open with the key blade, no valid code received by the BECM so the immobiliser function is not enabled. At this point the EKA code is required which in effect replaces the FOB code. If EKA is turned off, you are in the shyte at this point as diagnostics are required to turn the EKA function back on..
If EKA and the immobiliser function are both turned off, the sending of the mobilisation code to the engine ECU becomes automatic and is repeatedly sent when the key is inserted in the ignition on the diesel. With the petrol it may be sent only once as it's a rolling code but I have not been able to check that At no time is EKA required. The BECM is the same for petrol and diesel so I doubt there is any difference in the way the system works.