I would just like to say

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Just seen on the noos that the container ship which collided with a fuel tanker in the North Sea is currently in tow to Scotty Land. Anything to do with you @kevstar ??

Yer its getting towed to Aberdeen, I think Dales marine are getting it not us. Although things change, ive still got half a ship
here to finish & other smaller boats queuing up to get to boaty heaven.
I do like a nice fire. My incinerator is my favourite garden implement and when using it I always chuckle about how much my father in law would hate it.

Probably need to heap a load of stuff up and have a big burn up before it gets too dry/hot to do that, it can take too much time in the incinerator.

Yer we had some wild fires locally last week & that was after no rain for 2 weeks. :oops: (been bloody raining since last September)
Im surprized anything was dry enough to burn.
If you can tap ANY thread size and form into the casting, can you make up a stepped stud, again with any thread type?
Like the one in the attached pic, this particular one is 5/16 unf at one end and 7/16 unc at the other end.

View attachment 337804

OK, I have a 3-pronged attack.
1. A 5/16 drill & Tap (I would just have to file the hole in the heater take-off flange).
2. A 1/4" helicoil kit is on its way (be here tomorrow).
3. I could drill it and tap it at 8mm and make an 8mm/1/4" stud as above.

I am going to use/try them in the order that starts with the smallest clearance hole, until I fix the sucker. :)

OK, I have a 3-pronged attack.
1. A 5/16 drill & Tap (I would just have to file the hole in the heater take-off flange).
2. A 1/4" helicoil kit is on its way (be here tomorrow).
3. I could drill it and tap it at 8mm and make an 8mm/1/4" stud as above.

I am going to use/try them in the order that starts with the smallest clearance hole, until I fix the sucker. :)
As you know I did worry about all this from the outset. So sorry it has turned out like this.
Personally I would not mess about with helicoils never having had any luck with them.
I'd go straight for you number 3 solution but I wouldn't mess about making a fancy stud, I'd just drill the body of the housing or whatever out to match the 8 mm so you could simply put 8 mm bolts in.
Best of luck with it all. :):):)
The tail of the brake caliper has wagged the dog of the hub job.
It remains unfinished as one brake piston refuses to go back into its hole. (The hub itself went on fine, more or less.)
This work, under a wheel arch, in the heat, really annoyed me.
So tomoz I will be reduced to taking the caliper off and taking it into the garage to strip it down further.
Once done I will determine if a rebuild kit will suffice or of a new caliper is required. Total pain. (Back and knees!)
The tail of the brake caliper has wagged the dog of the hub job.
It remains unfinished as one brake piston refuses to go back into its hole. (The hub itself went on fine, more or less.)
This work, under a wheel arch, in the heat, really annoyed me.
So tomoz I will be reduced to taking the caliper off and taking it into the garage to strip it down further.
Once done I will determine if a rebuild kit will suffice or of a new caliper is required. Total pain. (Back and knees!)
Just put a new one on, save all the hassle :)
Dry and brightening up
Bathroom inspection yesterday revealed that the shower tray will have to be lowered, that means either a bodge or floor up and start again, did tell em floor was high in the middle but they didn't listen :confused:
So still no washing facilities and I'm flushing toilet using a bucket for second week :(
Hope everyone having better luck
Stay calm all 😊
Off out soon to Blandford to get two new tyres on W's car. I have taken the precaution of removing all wheel nut embellishers and swapping the two locking one for ornery ones, They lost the locking nut key last time, as well as the embellishers off at least one wheel. At least they proved last time they can balance the flipping stoopid wheels properly.

I have decided to get a noo caliper. Just need to see if it comes with new copper washers for the banjo type flexi pipe connection.
I feel a bit weird only buying one, if it brakes weird I'll get another for thother side.

Both W and I are so easy on brakes that this will be the first time ever I have replaced a caliper. Have rebuilt ones for kit cars though.
High pressure gloom here. Dry and still but cloudy.

Have a good day folks.:):):)
...I was looking out of my front window yesterday while waiting for herself to return from dropping the g-kids back at my son's and I saw a chap struggling along the street carrying a bag of shopping.
He is a bit of a character, always wears shorts, is hunched and bent over and has a huge mane of unkempt grey hair.
He kept stopping every so often and was muttering under his breath, but his face was lined with pain.
I popped my boots on and went off up the street after him to see if he was OK or if I could render any assistance.
As chance would have it I caught up with him when he was 3 doors from home (a run-down ramshackle bungalow in my street).
We had a brief chat and he told me that he used to be a manager of a shoe shop and that he had just reached retirement age (although he looks a lot older), that he has had a run of bad luck with catching Covid twice, has raging cellulitis on his legs (they looked awful I must say all mottled yellow and covered in sores) and to top it all he had just recovered from an e-coli bug.
He must be the unluckiest man I have met in a long while poor old sausage. Any way we exchanged pleasantries and I wished him well and walked home again.

When I got home the Missus says "where have you been?" Like I am not allowed out on my own. LOL.
Off out soon to Blandford to get two new tyres on W's car. I have taken the precaution of removing all wheel nut embellishers and swapping the two locking one for ornery ones, They lost the locking nut key last time, as well as the embellishers off at least one wheel. At least they proved last time they can balance the flipping stoopid wheels properly.

I have decided to get a noo caliper. Just need to see if it comes with new copper washers for the banjo type flexi pipe connection.
I feel a bit weird only buying one, if it brakes weird I'll get another for thother side.

Both W and I are so easy on brakes that this will be the first time ever I have replaced a caliper. Have rebuilt ones for kit cars though.
High pressure gloom here. Dry and still but cloudy.

Have a good day folks.:):):)

My bmw m3 had issues with the calipers seizing, I replaced the pistons with stainless steel ones never had a problem with
them ever again. Think I had it 6 years. :)
Sun's shining and just got my truck insured for half the price that Adrian Flux wanted :D
No sign of bathroom fitters 🤔
Have a good afternoon folks :)


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My bmw m3 had issues with the calipers seizing, I replaced the pistons with stainless steel ones never had a problem with
them ever again. Think I had it 6 years. :)
I just checked with LR Parts, apparently they used to do the stainless steel pistons, but they stopped doing them and blokey said they weren't very good! which doesn't seem to be your experience!
At the end of the day, Dot 4 is very corrosive so it'd eat stainless in the end just like it eats the steel under the chrome once it wears through.
All good fun!
Got the caliper off and into the garage where my big vice can hold the whole thing. After a bit of a fiddle-about, the pistons came out.

They are the cleanest brake pistons I have ever taken out! :rolleyes: Has to be said that I haven't stripped calipers down since about 1994.
No scratches, no rust, and the bores are in exactly the same condition.
So, slightly annoying, but I will rebuild them and put the noo one on in the meantime. Although even the rubber type stuff is in great nick.

I think I am getting a bit old for learning lessons but this has taught me. "if your fancy special tool won't do the job, take it off the car and fix it in the garage!!" :rolleyes: