I would just like to say

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Another hot day today.
Got up early to go to the CPAM to hand in all the forms to claim money back from the state for various medical things W has had this year and last. It opened at 0830 so got there bang on to find we were 6th in the queue.
But then it will be shut for August.
Then picked up Molly's ashes and made an appt for W to finally see the doc re her shoulder.
Rallye Montagne Noire will be in full swing this weekend, so the centre of town is closed off. It will be as noisy as usual, and as boring. Just cannot get into modern cars. Rallying or not. :rolleyes:
Slung the blackcurrant mix into a filter bag thing over a big pan, using a sun umbrella as a support. It is still dripping very slowly.
Once finished, add the sugar syrup and bottle. (Shouldn't really but we are not going to find a big conatiner to leave it in for the supposed 3 months. It isn't wine we are making.)

Got stopped by "le pleaud" tother day just as we had got onto the mountain road, first time for AGES.
Waved in and the blokey has a very intense look at the front of the Pluriel. Comes to my window and asks if we are British. (It isn't only Brit plod that ask daft questions!) Meanwhile I had reached for my "baise en ville" to get out my papiers etc.
"Yep" sez I. "Are u on 'oliday or du yu leeve 'ere?" quoth he. Not stoopid, as if we did, what were we doing on Brit plates. "A bit of both, we have a résidence secondaire 'ere." "Where?" I give him the name of the hamlet. "OK c'est bon" and he waves me away. Didn't want to see papiers for either me or the car. Very strange. I think we must be integrating a bit!
He weren't the gendarmes routiers, he were the town poliss.

Had dins at lunchtime as we is off to hear some jazz this eve.
Have a lovely eve one and all!
Seriously I think the pleud (love that) deliberately ask stupid questions to see if they get a stupid answer - i.e. UK plates but the occupants can't speak English etc.

Quite often after a few probing, stupid, questions, if the answers are fully plausible they decide its not worth looking at paperwork even if you have it handy.
Well done on finding this, love it.
Personally I totally cannot get excited about the limpicks.
And Macron is using them as an excuse for not sorting out the total mess he has caused.
The editorials in the local press are ripping him apart at the seams.

He is one totally unloved mother-flipper! 🤣
Saw a bit of the rainy opening ceremony, thought Douglas Hurd was quite good on the piano at the end...
Has anyone else had a message from BT to tell you that your phone will be going digital?
I am going to have a go at them and tell them that when they do that they should treat their customers like Orange et al over here do, and charge a monthly fee to include infinite internet use and free calls to anyone in the country and up to 100 peeps elsewhere, except for calls to the devils phones, i.e. mobiles.
When eye got tinternet at me castle it were copper. Later on when renewing they would only do fibre. So no phone unless yer buy a voip phone. Eye has tinternet on fibre for 25 sovs a month. Went up to 26.96 mid contract. And a mobile fone wiv unlimited minutes for voice calls and text to uk and 6 gig of timternet, fer 6 sovs a month. Peeps are moving away from land lines.
I would just like to say, today starts regatta week, Horning regatta started 1903, which means we had the regatta almost 4 times as often as that minor event in Paris.
I've been attending for the last 45 years. The weekend sailing is on the Broad, but from Monday to Friday, it's on the river where it is visible to the club cameras, https://www.horning-sailing.club/webcams/ ( the top two ) racing starts 09:30 and runs until about 17:00 each day. With a social event each night. If you are in the area, Monday to Friday you are welcome to visit or just get a pint from the pub next door and watch from the river bank.
I would just like to say, today starts regatta week, Horning regatta started 1903, which means we had the regatta almost 4 times as often as that minor event in Paris.
I've been attending for the last 45 years. The weekend sailing is on the Broad, but from Monday to Friday, it's on the river where it is visible to the club cameras, https://www.horning-sailing.club/webcams/ ( the top two ) racing starts 09:30 and runs until about 17:00 each day. With a social event each night. If you are in the area, Monday to Friday you are welcome to visit or just get a pint from the pub next door and watch from the river bank.
I hope it goes well

Morning folks ☺️
In preperation for having the hellspawn overnight soon we're putting up the tent on the lawn today to make sure we gots all the bits. (Missus thought it would be fun for the little bludgers and I can always lock the back door).
Might even sleep in it for a lark, at least the facility toilets will be half decent.
Have a laaarvly weekend dahlings.. Camping it up already 🌈
I would just like to say, today starts regatta week, Horning regatta started 1903, which means we had the regatta almost 4 times as often as that minor event in Paris.
I've been attending for the last 45 years. The weekend sailing is on the Broad, but from Monday to Friday, it's on the river where it is visible to the club cameras, https://www.horning-sailing.club/webcams/ ( the top two ) racing starts 09:30 and runs until about 17:00 each day. With a social event each night. If you are in the area, Monday to Friday you are welcome to visit or just get a pint from the pub next door and watch from the river bank.
Bit of a trek for us I'm afraid. Weather looks fair though.
Nice pics on the club website.