Bin having an upand a downer with Teachers' Pensions.
The beggars want to make me pay back overpaid pension.
Over the past nine years odd I have been overpaid for 4 days I din't work.

And of course it was their fault or the fault of the wimmins at Poole council who originally worked it out.
This has been going on for two months as TP couldn't organise a p*** up in a brewery and the Poole person refuses to answer emails, except with one that might well be encrypted as I can't open the attached files.
So there is a lot of victim blaming going on.
All great fun!
So today I dug out all my payslips going back to 1981. Solved 2 of the problems and the other 2 have been sorted out. Basically when some one (me) went part time the wimmins couldn't do sums. She now is HR, unsurprisingly!
But it was interesting to see what I earned back then. first pay slip showed £451 net pay or a month's work. Life was so much cheaper then!

But it has made me determined to claim my French pension from the year I did over there!

That'll be interesting as it may in fact give me some rights that I don't have at the mo, according to our Froggy friend who was so high up in the equivalent of Whitehall over there.