Raining today.
W managed to not get up on time so big flap on as she has to go get a blood test done at the orspickle where parking is a nightmare and you have to queue to get in, then she wants to go to her sewing club/lesson place, then somewhere else (I forget) then Tesco for summat(s).
All this on the flipping knee that she has been told to put on light duties.
She is a heck of a stubborn woman!
I could go to Tescos for her FFS!
And she doesn't HAVE to go to sewing, though I can see why she wants to.
Anyway, she can't eat after lunchtime cos of the CT scan tomoz.
We are both heart sick of hospicles and doctors surgeries etc over this past year.

So I'll finish me breakfast tea, then go to the tyre place for tracking. At least they won't have to take the wheels off to do that!
I'm secretly hoping that I measured it up so well that it won't need doing, but that is wishful thinking! At least they'll be able to adjust it easily.
Have a good day folks!