I would just like to say

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Had to empty some fuel & hydraulic oil tanks off scrap machines & the young lad was watching me loosen the drain
plugs & decided to have a go himself. I had the old tank on the forks on the machine & draining them into ibc's
Just as I shouted dont take it OOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTT...............:oops::oops::vb-groan2:

Yer the 60mm bung shot out his hand red diesel comes out like a fire hose face 🤣🤣
He tried to stop it coming out & it was spraying every where through his fingers he was covered in diesel 🤣
I grabbed a rag n stopped it until I could spot the bung then a bit of jiggery pokey got it back in haha

He done another boo boo before this 🤣🤣
I am considering it. But --- the copper pipe is the earth route for all the earths in the house. In anticipation of a future change to plastics, I will do a repair for now and enable a route into the house. Changing now would be a big job involving taking up a tarmac over concrete slab driveway and trenching across a public footpath to the water meter. The public footpath bit would have to be done by a council licensed contractor. And would need a separate earth rod and mega-testing for the leccy earths.
Is it an old coal authority house? They did a fing years ago where they tried to use the metal water pipes as a trial to see iffit would wurk. Eye remember a college lecturer telling us funnys stories about it.