Morning All

Not a bad day out there today.

Went the long way round to get the paper as I had some cards to post in the distant post-box.
I heard over the weekend that my 86 YO Uncle Ivor (loveliest bloke ever) has just been released (from hospital).
He has apparently been unwell for quite a while and finally was taken to hospital where it was discovered that he had 2 Abscesses on his liver and while they were in there they found he has bowel cancer.

MRI scan is pending.
It isn't looking promising, but he's a fighter. He told me off for using a stick after my hip replacement (said, "You should get rid of that, pronto.") He's had 3 complete sets of false hips himself.

We're in lockdown so I sent him a card wishing him well.
Coffee is sinking fast, and I have much to do today, a trip to the DIY store because I have a leak around my new windows (wet plaster patch inside), and I need to do something about that.
My "internal shutters" need to be wallpapered on the reverse side and then painted. I am quite pleased with how they are coming out.

Really enjoying my home-gym efforts, I feel achy but very much alive, so that's good in my book.

Have a great day everyone.