Well took a while but finally read through the entire thread!!! I have both a freelander and 90 - both break as often as each other, freelander - still has passenger window broke, squeals, knocking noise from rear - always have to take it to the garage to have anything done so I like to "build up" all the breaks into one visit. 90 - recent new alty, needs new PAS pump, needs new passenger door or repair, along with other things - but.....I do all the work on the 90 myself and it only visits the garage for its MOT and i aint no mechanic. All in all though - I love both of them, but i would only take the 90 off roading - the Mrs would kill me if I broke both!

I like the look of both of them, but i must admit when the freelander goes wrong i find it frustrating, when the 90 breaks I find it a challenge!!