I would just like to say

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You have taken what i said out of context.

I raised the question as it sounds like the other sides insurance is dealing with her car repair etc direct. That means bypassing her own insurance. This is so basic. She doesn't have a contract with the other sides insurance, so if for example they do a bad repair on the car, she has no come back against them. Thats because theres no agreement between them because theres no contract. The likes of aa and rac warn peeps about this. Insurance companies love it as it avoids the other sides admin and profit costs. It can also leave yer stuck.

Yes there is if the other side wants you to deal direct with them and not via yer iwn insurance, who you gave protection with. A reminder of 'no contract' often puts peeps oft dealing direct with the other sides insurance direct. Especially when the other side is trying to avoid your insurance admin costs by asking you to go direct. They know this. Yer average peep don't. There is of course the situation where they could treat you betterer than yer own insurance. It could happen. Insurance companies giving away more than they need to?

Hold on a minute. Its not that straight forward. Courts don't like their services being used to bypass using yer own insurance to settle for damages covered by indurance. They take a dim view of it. They will know she has car insurance. You risk a low value if you win and they choose to set a low figure. Or they make yer pay costs even though yer win. That's right, small claims courts can and have awarded costs in the past where their services were considered abused. The highest awarded cost for action in county court small claim was 12k5 sovs some years ago. Why go to all that hassle of court when a phone call to yer own insurance will cover it. Backlog is about 16 months in the courts.

Again, out of context. You crash a 10k sov car. Repair cost is 6k sovs. Insurance write it oft and offer 9k sovs. Yer half way through the 12 month insurance policy. You have the option to accept 9k sovs. So value of said car before the crash is important. Few peeps want to own a crash damaged car. Especially when insurance compaines keep pic's of the damage which future buyers can find online for a small fee with a sesrch.

Not all cars are worth putting back on the road. Not all damage is worth repairing.

No she won't. If the other sides insurance repair the car, the insurance company will contract with the garge direct, to get the repair done. So she won't have a contract with the garage if the repair is bad. And can't chase the other sides insurance as she doesn't have a contract with them. Hence my initial point of why it is dangerous to bypass using yer own insurance. The repair will be offered as final settlement without terms and conditions contracting them into having responsibility for anyfink.

Thats up to you. If 2 months later you realise theres more problems with the car, yer stuck. Garages have to use propper methods of repair. Hence the price. They have running costs etc. Also extra admin for insurance work and probably 60 or 90 day payment terms enforced by the insurance company.
Sorry, mate.

Things have been tough here and I am not in a fair mood at the mo.
I had a great day messing about at my garage site, kinda cleaning up moving stuff (with the wee manitou)
Moved a few thousand slates as the pallets were rotten so put them into new pallet crates.
Gave away a ton of blue sparkle driveway stones & delivered them right into another mates front garden.
Another mate turned up so we chewed the fat had coffees talked cars n stuff had a fire & burnt all the loose wood n rubbish ect.
Then I washed the Pmobile, the other neebs came out I went n bought a Chinese takeaway for everyone & we sat out n had a beer. :cool::cool:
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I was going to say last night it went on its side & hit a pole, theres no way it would be a lorry as they all have the safety bar
at the rear, damage to the car would be much lower.
It would have had to hit the side of it an the street snot wide enough to jack knife artic trailer.
It's getting more and more difficult to bury yourself under the side of an HGV now too, as a lot of them have barriers on the sides as well. But that telegraph pole fits the bill nicely. The side I took the photo from wasn't the side that had scraped along the ground so it didn't look too bad. It must have been really shifting when the accident happened though. I feel a bit sorry for the man in the car that pulled out - although the police and insurers will no doubt see it as their fault, they'd perhaps have seen the silver car as a tiny dot in the mirror and assumed they'd got time to pull out on a 30 mph road, but by the time they'd popped it into gear and got their foot off the clutch, it would have been upon them.
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I had a great day messing about at my garage site, kinda cleaning up moving stuff (with the wee manitou)
Moved a few thousand slates as the pallets were rotten so put them into new pallet crates.
Gave away a ton of blue sparkle driveway stones & delivered them right into another mates front garden.
Another mate turned up so we chewed the fat had coffees talked cars n stuff had a fire & burnt all the loose wood n rubbish ect.
Then I washed the Pmobile, the other neebs came out I went n bought a chinky for everyone & we sat out n had a beer. :cool::cool:
A good day in your life to remember 😊
What chain cleaner and lube ?

I can see me stripping this bike down 🤔🤣
I do use muc-off for that, but any will do as you should clean and lube regularly...

I had a great day messing about at my garage site, kinda cleaning up moving stuff (with the wee manitou)
Moved a few thousand slates as the pallets were rotten so put them into new pallet crates.
Gave away a ton of blue sparkle driveway stones & delivered them right into another mates front garden.
Another mate turned up so we chewed the fat had coffees talked cars n stuff had a fire & burnt all the loose wood n rubbish ect.
Then I washed the Pmobile, the other neebs came out I went n bought a chinky for everyone & we sat out n had a beer. :cool::cool:
We had chinese takeaway last night anorl (you int sposed to use the 'rhymes wif slinky' word no more). 🍤🧨