I would just like to say

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This ere fred isser fountain of knowledge. Ere we find oot how to cut over grown squirrel teef. Int wild teef like this could cause an animal to die due to not being able to eat. This one is a rescue which will be released at some point. Teef normally wear down when they open nuts and fings.

Oh, while I'm up. I know this int a pollyticky fred, but I'm gobsmacked by the antics of the Trumpkin yet again. Has he got a box of monkeys on acid somewhere coming up with this stuff?
Have to agree but, yes, there is a thread, "Trump's world " on AG.
I'm sure you'll find plenty there agreeing with you. ;)
Oh, while I'm up. I know this int a pollyticky fred, but I'm gobsmacked by the antics of the Trumpkin yet again. Has he got a box of monkeys on acid somewhere coming up with this stuff?
Eye fink we is entering a dangerous world where yer can say anyfink if yer in charge. If yer gottid enuff followers who believe yer then it kind of wurks. Dun't matter iffits *******s.
No that be their tratters that rust. But yer nevver know. The er-natternummy of a tratterer be a miracle of medical science. They can still function when their brains rattle loose. Be it only limited function.
I had an MRI scan at the start of January, they only scanned me head as they are trying to find out why my left lug has stopped working. Not got the results yet, think they are still working out what's missing 🤣
I had an MRI scan at the start of January, they only scanned me head as they are trying to find out why my left lug has stopped working. Not got the results yet, think they are still working out what's missing 🤣
Does yer fink they as stopped laffin yet? Eye know its the obvious question but these fings need checked. Have yer...

...turned the volume down? No not lost weight. Eye mean making the sound quieter.
Dry and bright here
Plugged an old keyboard into laptop and it works so got puter back :)
Cafe for breakfast shortly
Just told solicitor not to rack up any more costs re divorce, can't afford it and nothing really happening, sure I can do it alone from now on. 🤔🤔
Stay calm all