Weather is weird here today.
I heard thunder twice this morning while I was in bed, and recently it rained like mad then went dry then yet mor thunder much louder, yet no rain. ??????
W is off out doing some important convs with the bloke who quilts her quilts, so I have put time in photocopying pages out of her passport, and all her other documents that she'll need to put with her application. (Mine all got done this weekend.)
As she will be laid up after her op I will need to go and pick up her visa'd passport along with mine once they are done, so we have to do yet more faffing about to organise the docs necessary just to pick hers up.
Les Froggies keep trying to relax entry requirements for peeps with second homes over there but something, or things, allus seems to get in the way. Right now, with stalemate in their gubmint, lord knows if it'll ever happen.
I see Muskolini now wants us to rename the Channel the George Washington canal.
What a fool he is, does he not know canals are man made and have locks????
Anyway I personally demand that all US towns and cities with British names revert to North American ones, so no more York, new or otherwise, no Brum Alabama, and that is just the first two I have thought of.

I'll check the list then draw up my Executive whatnot properly, to send to "He who Trumps" as in my family the verb "to Trump" involves gas exit from the yuman frame!!
Have a good one folks!!