I would just like to say

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The kilts are for you aint they 🤣 🤣
Me, not a cross-dresser, so Nooooooo!!!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
No offence, as you can wear what the heck you want north of the border.
But doon here.......
Unless I am a fully boiled haggis muncher with a matching accent then no can do.

Unless, bizarrely you are a royal, and even they only do it at Balmoral. Or some other royal Scottish residence. :):):)

I dont think they do it in our local chinky, it would be better to ask em for a curried flip flop. It would be easier to chew on.
That Chinese take away from the new place that we got delivered the other day?
Boy was some of it tasteless!!!
And if the beef in what I was eating was flip-flop I would not have been at all surprised! 🤣🤣🤣
Think you've been bumped..........

Ladies & Gentlemen, today we have a very special lot and a very rare an item indeed......

Aladdin's lamp... 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Just chocked on my drink laughing its coming out my nose. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Well, I would say how much I love making you laugh!!
But this time I think you made yourself laugh!!!
Nowt like making your own entertainment!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hope it's coke as that will clean your passages out!!!🤣🤣🤣
... on the recommendation (sort of) of @Stanleysteamer I have bought the Vizard book on tuning the A-Series. Thanks Stan. :)
I also sprang for the SU Workshop manual and Needle Profile chart booklet. Should be entertaining.
It will not be a bad thing to read, it IS a hefty volume! And of COURSE it doesn't just deal with carbs. He really is the guru.
It looks as if you wish to stick with the SU, or SUs.
Others would advise you to go for motorbike carbs or other stuff.
Nice you want to stick with the trad stuff.
Just get SU's that don't leak air in round the throttle spindle pivot points. I have NO idea how much recon ones cost. Mini forums must be full of this stuff!
I am now following this with avidity!
It will not be a bad thing to read, it IS a hefty volume! And of COURSE it doesn't just deal with carbs. He really is the guru.
It looks as if you wish to stick with the SU, or SUs.
Others would advise you to go for motorbike carbs or other stuff.
Nice you want to stick with the trad stuff.
Just get SU's that don't leak air in round the throttle spindle pivot points. I have NO idea how much recon ones cost. Mini forums must be full of this stuff!
I am now following this with avidity!
TBH, I am probably heading for a fall as I am a mechanical novice where cars are concerned. The last engine I played about with was my Vauxhall Victor FB in 1972.
But.. I am good at learning stuff and I was attracted to this Mini mainly because it is pre-ECU technology and capable of being kept going by 'an idjit with only basic tools' in the main; and that description fits me to a "T".

SU carbs are quite good and capable of being uniquely tuned to a specific car/application (if required) and rebuild kits/new jets/needles/springs are readily available it seems. If I can just check the basics and go from there, then that's a good thing.
I am concerned that the vehicle is sound in body, but the beating heart is largely unproven and has only recently been messed with (new replacement head, because the last one cracked). It has only been driven for one journey (from last owner to the Raffle-running company), and then transported on a truck to me. I have no idea if it is a heap of carp just waiting to fail, or just in need of a basic set-up and will be fine for the rest of my lifetime.
ATM it really reeks of over-fuelling (not a good thing, I think), and I would like to be able to resolve these things myself.
I will keep y'all informed whatever happens (warts-n-all). :)
TBH, I am probably heading for a fall as I am a mechanical novice where cars are concerned. The last engine I played about with was my Vauxhall Victor FB in 1972.
But.. I am good at learning stuff and I was attracted to this Mini mainly because it is pre-ECU technology and capable of being kept going by 'an idjit with only basic tools' in the main; and that description fits me to a "T".

SU carbs are quite good and capable of being uniquely tuned to a specific car/application (if required) and rebuild kits/new jets/needles/springs are readily available it seems. If I can just check the basics and go from there, then that's a good thing.
I am concerned that the vehicle is sound in body, but the beating heart is largely unproven and has only recently been messed with (new replacement head, because the last one cracked). It has only been driven for one journey (from last owner to the Raffle-running company), and then transported on a truck to me. I have no idea if it is a heap of carp just waiting to fail, or just in need of a basic set-up and will be fine for the rest of my lifetime.
ATM it really reeks of over-fuelling (not a good thing, I think), and I would like to be able to resolve these things myself.
I will keep y'all informed whatever happens (warts-n-all). :)
You just have a good read of Vizard's book before you go anywhere near it then you'll have a much better idea of where you want to be with it.
In it he tells you how to modify existing carb needles so you don't have to keep buying new ones which might not quite match the characteristics of your car anyway. I'm sure you'll manage. SU carbs are honestly a piece of pistachio once you understand them.
It will not be a bad thing to read, it IS a hefty volume! And of COURSE it doesn't just deal with carbs. He really is the guru.
It looks as if you wish to stick with the SU, or SUs.
Others would advise you to go for motorbike carbs or other stuff.
Nice you want to stick with the trad stuff.
Just get SU's that don't leak air in round the throttle spindle pivot points. I have NO idea how much recon ones cost. Mini forums must be full of this stuff!
I am now following this with avidity!

Or you could try a Stromberg set up ?
You just have a good read of Vizard's book before you go anywhere near it then you'll have a much better idea of where you want to be with it.
In it he tells you how to modify existing carb needles so you don't have to keep buying new ones which might not quite match the characteristics of your car anyway. I'm sure you'll manage. SU carbs are honestly a piece of pistachio once you understand them.

And you have the right viscosity of oil in them ... ;)