Hated school. I wasn't a dunce by any means, but the whole mortar-boards & gowns gig was just OTT.
Then 2 years in and settled down I got moved to a different school when we moved house and that was even worse!
A Grammar/Tech that had merged with a comprehensive. Hairies & Skin-'eads battles all the time.
Institutional bullying on the "Contract Bus" so I stopped using it and used my bus pass (intended to be used to/from the contract bus pick-up points only) for alternate journeying on public buses.
All the carp stopped in the 5th year when I just got too muscular to be messed with, and a few battles let people know to just leave me alone. But it was a hellish time. Joining a different school in the 3rd year when all the hierarchy has already been set means every bloke wants to have a go at you to see where you fit in the pecking order in their head.
I have every sympathy for the poor kids that get bullied and/or just don't fit in with the crowd around them.
Only good thing was that I met the girl that I have been living with for the last 50 years at that awful school.