I would just like to say

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Bin working our backsides off these last coupla days.
When chatting to a bloke on another thread I went out to check the colour of my coolant and discovered a flipping rodent has been living in the lining of the bonnet of the D2.
This is the second signs of a rodent I have had this year on the D2, the first being signs of one having lived in the bigger of the two seats on the second row. I suspected that this started when I took it off and left it in the box trailer in the UK, (for the MOT, shhhhh!)
Saw a very small dried up corpse of one and thought little of it. The only signs were of the stuffing, if you can call it that, having "leaked" out around where the hinge mounts are.
But this second little son of a female dog got me more bothered as the last thing I want is one lunching on my wiring. So I took the lining down and removed the nest. It even contained bits of till receipt from a local supermarket and I don't even leave those things lying around in the car, so where he got that from I have no idea. Too chewed up to be able to make out the date!

I have owned cars since 1972 and this is the first time, well two times, that there have been signs of meeces in any of my cars.
Lesson learned, start the cars up and drive them around a bit, a bit more often!
We've found that once rodents have moved in, even if you get rid of them you get more in the same place. I think rats are worse for this. I heard an almond being chewed through the other day so they're back.

Think 'Poltergeist' when you say that to yourself...
Bin working our backsides off these last coupla days.
When chatting to a bloke on another thread I went out to check the colour of my coolant and discovered a flipping rodent has been living in the lining of the bonnet of the D2.
This is the second signs of a rodent I have had this year on the D2, the first being signs of one having lived in the bigger of the two seats on the second row. I suspected that this started when I took it off and left it in the box trailer in the UK, (for the MOT, shhhhh!)
Saw a very small dried up corpse of one and thought little of it. The only signs were of the stuffing, if you can call it that, having "leaked" out around where the hinge mounts are.
But this second little son of a female dog got me more bothered as the last thing I want is one lunching on my wiring. So I took the lining down and removed the nest. It even contained bits of till receipt from a local supermarket and I don't even leave those things lying around in the car, so where he got that from I have no idea. Too chewed up to be able to make out the date!

I have owned cars since 1972 and this is the first time, well two times, that there have been signs of meeces in any of my cars.
Lesson learned, start the cars up and drive them around a bit, a bit more often!
Thay say you are never more than 6 feet from a rodent 😬
@Dippypud , made me larf..
Greetings from Great Yarmouth. It was quite a nice afternoon but cloudy in the evening.

A47 closed in the evening requiring a diversion around Diss and through some villages I had never heard of. Fritton, or Toft Monks anyone?
Haha Yarmouth is the Blackpool of the south.

You can play the game of seeing who is on holiday with their new trainers. I remember hearing one of the old covered markets had burned down and caused 20p of damage 😂
I bet he wore glasses 😃
Which one? Towns or the teacher who made this?
When I was a teacher I would never have had the time to do this! But then he did teach woodwork, not a lot of marking to be done!

It took me from '91 to '95 to get my last kit car to MOT and registration stage, and then it only had one seat, borrowed from another kit car, no windscreen so no wipers or washers, Only one seat belt, the dash was a little bit of ply with just a speedo on it and the switches necessary to pass the test, fog light sat in a pice of bent-up ally sheet. and of course, no paint.

But it went fast enough to beat SVA! Which was the whole point.

It hasn't progressed much since. But windscreen made and fitted, with glass, seat frames made and covered with leather, ditto door cards, walnut dash with period style instruments and switches sourced from auto-jumbles of the sort no longer obtainable, and often modified. (The winsdcreen wiper switch is a mixture of bits from 3 manufacturers). Complex exhaust and manifold made and fitted, I am on the 3rd variant of a folding spare wheel mount to enable me to move it so that I can get to the small boot lid that sits underneath it, but I am still not happy with it. Still loads to do.

One day, eh?
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Afternoon folks :).

Another nice day, Working outside in shorts and no shirt:).
Got all setup for mixing some cement and got after it, Picked up the hose to add some wata to the mix in the mixer, It came out then dwindled to a dribble:oops:, We have had wata for at least a week now and they choose to turn it off the day I want to mix cement:mad:. Good job the 80k+litres of spare wata pool is only steps away, So anyway got 1 job and 1/3rd of another job done with what I mixed. Rest can wait till Monday if we have watta, as its petrolhead Weekend tommoz.

M MOTed the L322 today no issues. 1 of the guys said see you next year, M said no next week he looked questioning, but the Old guy knows we have 2 big trailers to bring in yet so smiled and nodded:).

Have a good W/E folks:).

He had a poop judge and a poop lawyer.
He has nothing to lose so should appeal the decision.
Knowing what should have happened via W's friend who had a similar situation with her son, this boils my urine.
STILL don't see how the judge can make school age kids homeless, really don't.

On another tack, why is he jobless, is it cos he has to look after his kids? Yet another reason for the appeal. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
He's gone from PAYE with a job to self-employed. Been at it for <1yr so has no "books" to show regular income to a mortgagor.
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...and in a surprising turn of events it appears that my son will be forced to sell his house AND...
No the witch won't have to pay off any of the outstanding debts (not the 15k to me, or the 30k he borrowed to do all the things she wanted doing so she would feel "whole and happy" and stop moaning all the time).
She gets 1/2 the equity but doesn't have to pay half the mortgage since she left him.
Talk about a tilted playing field. :mad:
So he will be a 40YO father of 2 with: no home, no job, no likelihood of ever getting another mortgage because he is too old now.
And that little cow who put nothing down, added nothing except debts and the 2 kids and takes off with the loot to ruin another blokes life.

Update: I was so incensed by the "shrug... It's gone" attitude of my lads lawyer towards my money I wrote him a letter to support the claim that the monies owed were lent to then "jointly & severally" and represent 18% of my liquid assets and that this is not a "soft-loan" as far as I am concerned. His brothers & partners have all had similar loans and have paid them back, why does she get to skate on a commitment when she enjoyed the benefit of having all her debts wiped and credit cards debts and wedding paid for when they could not fund the bill they had together created?
For me to just let this go is inequitable to my other children who honoured their commitments.

Anyway I told my son to send my letter to him to his soli and that it be presented with the paperwork that goes before the judge in January.
Updated as above. I looked at all the waffle criteria the Soli gave my son about loans from finance co's being honoured and valid and enforceable, but family & personal were "soft-loans" and would not count. So I stressed that they have had a big chunk of my money and their contemporaries are either already paid-up or paying up. I want the family court judge to take the ££££ benefit she has had into account in any settlement with my son.