I would just like to say

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Yeah, trouble is it buggers up his tablet timings ...

He has to have his Levothyroxine tabs at least 30 mins before food or caffeine drinks, well he has decaff tea, but the carers don't always get time to wait for the time before giving him his breakfast, he sometimes remembers to take them himself when he wakes, but usually not ... so it can be a bugger ... never mind it's not often it happens ...
Speaking as a carer myself, what you do, i.e. the caring before the carers arrive, reminds me of cleaning up before the cleaner arrives.
Sympathies, Dips. ;):)
Speaking as a carer myself, what you do, i.e. the caring before the carers arrive, reminds me of cleaning up before the cleaner arrives.
Sympathies, Dips. ;):)

Everyday is: give him his thyroxine if he hasn't remembered; get him up and dressed if it's Daycare Day or he wants up coz he just does ...

fill his drinking water bottles, as tap water goes straight thru, good ol' Lunnen Corporation Pop ... get out his lunch if no DC ...

Put his wheelchair and ramps out ready for the Minibus escort, if it is a DC day, stick the washing on if needed ...

Then most days I can go to work and unlock there ...

On Fridays, it's shopping, any appointments, haircuts, ironing and sundry household chores ...

Saturday is my day and everyone else better have a damn good reason for getting in it ...

Sunday, number one son and I also go and give Sunday lunch and deal with any tech issues such as, TV aerial or changing wheelchair tyres/brakes/ defrost fridge/freezer ...

The rest of the time is mine or allocated to my granddaughters care ...
I suppose the only good thing to be said about it is that this is a tax imposed on those who can appreciate the better things in life.

But I pity the poor customs peeps trying to apply it from next year on.
This is a typical "fiche technique" i.e. technical description of one wine which we bought some of, just one from a whole range the place does and even that doesn't mention the alcohol content.
Unless you can prove otherwise they would have to open each box and look at the label as by law the % does have to be marked on it.
But it can vary quite a bit from wine to wine even in the same colour or from the same place.
My guess they will scan it and the phooter will know worrit is.
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My guess they will scan it and the phooter will know worrit is.
With no barcode on, that'll be fun! (some boxes do have barcodes on but I have no idea what information will be held on that, in some cases there aren't even barcodes on the bottles.)
I have no idea how many small vineyards there are in France, so I'll see if I can find out.
Just checked, 85 k in France.
Each one produces at least 4 wines many produce far more, for instance one we bought from on Friday has a range of 16 types, so at a conservative 6 per vineyard, (well under the likely figure), that makes 510 k types of bottle available, and that says nothing of the different years.
I can guess that the Customs peeps must be dreading it.
Everyday is: give him his thyroxine if he hasn't remembered; get him up and dressed if it's Daycare Day or he wants up coz he just does ...

fill his drinking water bottles, as tap water goes straight thru, good ol' Lunnen Corporation Pop ... get out his lunch if no DC ...

Put his wheelchair and ramps out ready for the Minibus escort, if it is a DC day, stick the washing on if needed ...

Then most days I can go to work and unlock there ...

On Fridays, it's shopping, any appointments, haircuts, ironing and sundry household chores ...

Saturday is my day and everyone else better have a damn good reason for getting in it ...

Sunday, number one son and I also go and give Sunday lunch and deal with any tech issues such as, TV aerial or changing wheelchair tyres/brakes/ defrost fridge/freezer ...

The rest of the time is mine or allocated to my granddaughters care ...
Dips, I wasn't in the slightest making light of what you do. I think we all know that you give of yourself selflessly. Sorry if I offended, wasn't in the slightest my intent. :(
...that I am both purple-exed and miffed.
I know I am getting old and forgetful, it happens to all of us in certain areas of our lives.
I dug out 2 previously made and critical bike components several weeks ago with a view to altering them slightly and adapting them for a future project.
Can I now find them at all? NO I ruddy can't! :mad: :mad: :mad:
I have searched every bin, box, shelf etc. etc. The bastid things have vanished I tell you.
With no barcode on, that'll be fun! (some boxes do have barcodes on but I have no idea what information will be held on that, in some cases there aren't even barcodes on the bottles.)
I have no idea how many small vineyards there are in France, so I'll see if I can find out.
Just checked, 85 k in France.
Each one produces at least 4 wines many produce far more, for instance one we bought from on Friday has a range of 16 types, so at a conservative 6 per vineyard, (well under the likely figure), that makes 510 k types of bottle available, and that says nothing of the different years.
I can guess that the Customs peeps must be dreading it.
Easily solved. Fixed price higher rate if no bar code like we have int uk.
...that I am both purple-exed and miffed.
I know I am getting old and forgetful, it happens to all of us in certain areas of our lives.
I dug out 2 previously made and critical bike components several weeks ago with a view to altering them slightly and adapting them for a future project.
Can I now find them at all? NO I ruddy can't! :mad: :mad: :mad:
I have searched every bin, box, shelf etc. etc. The bastid things have vanished I tell you.

Ah, you put them in safe place near the lathe didn'tcha ?
With no barcode on, that'll be fun! (some boxes do have barcodes on but I have no idea what information will be held on that, in some cases there aren't even barcodes on the bottles.)
I have no idea how many small vineyards there are in France, so I'll see if I can find out.
Just checked, 85 k in France.
Each one produces at least 4 wines many produce far more, for instance one we bought from on Friday has a range of 16 types, so at a conservative 6 per vineyard, (well under the likely figure), that makes 510 k types of bottle available, and that says nothing of the different years.
I can guess that the Customs peeps must be dreading it.
Find a bar code for vinegar… and stick to the outer box

Or do what we used to do to loose a parcel,add a bit more to a line on the barcode so it can’t be read by a machine.