I would just like to say

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I carn't see it, all I can see is a biggish white fing wiv other little round shaped fings that are white, or in one case blue!


Custom work for MOL @My Old Landy ;) Perhaps

Me dad taught Mathematics for Engineers at night school to make sure me an me bro didn’t go to school wi oles in us trowsis. He was a design engineer for the Ministry of Defence for most of his life having served his time as an instrument maker. Oh, bugger yes. We were lucky to have him alright. And so was his country.

I had to give my husband-to-be a crash course in Calculus while he was studying for his Quality Assurance exams, as his maths wasn't up to it, he hadn't gone to Advanced Math at his school, I must have done summat right as he passed with a Distinction ...
.... that I took the door off the wood burner and properly cleaned the inside face of the glass.
I have laid a fire ready for the first cold day. The whole thing looks so much better when it is loaded and ready to go. :)
Fanks for the reminder. Time to re-rope the door on ours.
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Custom work for MOL @My Old Landy ;) Perhaps

Stencil cut vinyls abound and shunt be hard to come by.
I'm struggling with the pigeon bit tbh..
Iz yu gonna use the seement to hold the butts in place or somink? Cos the weight of the water should do that!!
And if one goes fubar you don't want a battle to get it out again!
When eye bort me castle there was a soak away drain pipe sat on top ov me slabs. Ceramic type. Not used. Eye smashed it to bresk it up. Not noticing me slabs cracked under neef. They tipped and sunk int middle. Sment is to prop them up so they is flat. They're behind me wheely bins. Me bins are moving so me new water butts can go there.