I would just like to say

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Servicing the generator today new filters oil the radiator had a leak so removed it a split in one of the fins would take to long for a new one from Italy so decided to repair it with JC weld will find out tomorrow if successful fingers crossed 😕😕😕will order a back up spare
"JC Weld" is that the good lord's version of J-B Weld?
Hope all your prayers are answered! :):)
Take it it was too small and okkard to solder. :(
Is that your personal grading process or one you are stuck with from building control or summat?
I can see the ones on the boards look a little manky, holes gone wrong etc. Or am I imagining it?

Now you're going to tell me those are the ones that passed muster!!! ;);) 🤣 🤣

Yup they're the ones that passed muster 🤣 🤣 + they are fitted & there was more put on the after the pics were taken.
also its my PGP..
That's the trouble if thay get to thin and Dusty thay split through the length in line with the nail hole on removing 😡 I did a big job and thay wanted Spanish slates because cheaper so much variation in thicknes had to sort them to the same for each course and lots of defects and soft spots cost more in the long run 😔

Ive done 2 roofs in Spanish but I ordered the slates, I got them straight off the boat they were 7/8mm
with very little brakeage's I got 5500 of them for 5k. Think the other roof was 3000 of the same.

I done this roof too & these were all taken off & dressed & re-fitted, What a job that was.
Scotch slate tho...

Ive done 2 roofs in Spanish but I ordered the slates, I got them straight off the boat they were 7/8mm
with very little brakeage's I got 5500 of them for 5k. Think the other roof was 3000 of the same.

I done this roof too & these were all taken off & dressed & re-fitted, What a job that was.
Scotch slate tho...

View attachment 325224
We are taught no to slate the Scots. ;)
Ive done 2 roofs in Spanish but I ordered the slates, I got them straight off the boat they were 7/8mm
with very little brakeage's I got 5500 of them for 5k. Think the other roof was 3000 of the same.

I done this roof too & these were all taken off & dressed & re-fitted, What a job that was.
Scotch slate tho...

View attachment 325224
I think you put that pic up before, was it back in the days of "wingnut"?
Ive done 2 roofs in Spanish but I ordered the slates, I got them straight off the boat they were 7/8mm
with very little brakeage's I got 5500 of them for 5k. Think the other roof was 3000 of the same.

I done this roof too & these were all taken off & dressed & re-fitted, What a job that was.
Scotch slate tho...

View attachment 325224
That cannae be in Scotland!
It's in winter, the sun is shining and it isn't raining! 🤣 🤣
Nothing useful to report, so I am off to my pit.
Found out something useful today.
Copper doesn't "ring" but Brass does.
The vase thing we rescued from the MIL's shed yesterday that was the colour of an old tarnished copper pipe is in fact Brass.
I scrubbed it and got the dirt off and then polished it up with "Brasso" (only three-ha'pence a tin. You can buy it or nick it from Woolworths, but I doubt if they have any in.) and it came up lovely. Literally rings like a bell/gong.
Copper just has a dull "THUD".
Night! :)
Nothing useful to report, so I am off to my pit.
Found out something useful today.
Copper doesn't "ring" but Brass does.
The vase thing we rescued from the MIL's shed yesterday that was the colour of an old tarnished copper pipe is in fact Brass.
I scrubbed it and got the dirt off and then polished it up with "Brasso" (only three-ha'pence a tin. You can buy it or nick it from Woolworths, but I doubt if they have any in.) and it came up lovely. Literally rings like a bell/gong.
Copper just has a dull "THUD".
Night! :)
Guess that is why there are Brass bands but not copper ones.
Although the Frogs don't have a special word for Brass so they still call it "cuivre" which of course means copper. :stars: :stars: :stars:
I dont do sums cause I is thick. :oops: 🤣 I can count money if that works. 🤣🤣
You can play around with V = π r2 h/3
The puzzle is a little "cheaty" as although it shows the varying heights of the liquid it doesn't mention the varying radii.
So height 10, radius 5 would give you about 362 volume.
But height 7 radius say 3 would only give you 66 volume,
Height 9 radius 4 would still only give you 151 odd. So well under 50 % of the original volume.
So height 9 radius 4.4 is the closest you can get.

So I am afeared that 90 % is going to be the answer. My bad. :(
(Still works if you begin with height 10 radius 4.)
Ive done 2 roofs in Spanish
I think you mean "He hecho 2 tejados en español" as you well know my little kilt-wearing, Spanish-bagpipe-playing mate!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Now if they were in Welsh slate.
"Dw i'n gwneud to garej yn Gymraeg" is what you would be saying now, look you. Handy!

(I fink it may be time I went to bed!) 🤣🤣🤣
Sounds like you have it all sorted 👍👍
I know you guys are there all year round so things are differnet for us, but we don't have TV over here. Except that we record a mass of stuff on our Humax box which we bring with us and then we still watch DVDs as we are old skool!
We get news etc over the internet.
Would a normal Humax box work with satellite? As it can record up to 4 channels at once it seems like it might be useful for yous guyz!
We also have a big library of dvds we now don't have sat tv but we could if needed we get all the U.K. channels through the net but like you we haven't got square eyes all ways to Mutch to do but we definitely need it in the wintertime to prevent cabin fever and sanity not alot you can do in -10 or -15 but I do try log splitting is my favourite
Yes its all a compromise really, we persevere with satellite because the internet's not up to streaming full time where we are in either Spain or Portugal, it would be only 4G since there are no copper cables or fibre. The satellite Internet is good and we use it for streaming occasionally, but not ideal although it has a UK IP address so we're not geo-blocked. We have DVDs too, in fact I'm watching Cracker on DVD right now as it happens. Its all a bit old school but works for us and we don't watch TV during the day - too much to do like both of you.
Due to weather and forthcoming round of inviting peeps to din, which we always seem to leave till the last min, been a bit of a borin mornin.
Still, went through our stock of preserves.
Chucked out 3 big jars of gherkins which were basically too old.
Salvaged the over-gloopy Creme de Cassis by simply slopping a bit out of the bottle and replacing it with a bit of vodka, so that was good.
W making home made tomato soup as the test lot was lush! For guests tomoz.
I am about to steam clean the ground floor as a dog or two has brought in some weird stuff, no idea what and never seen it before.

Oh and a bunch of wasps have gone back to where the old nest was, roughly, and they seem to have young with them. We have no idea what they are doing but they don't seem pleased. Have yet to Google it to see what they are up to.

Yessdi, about 1/3 of the way up the mountain W's Pluriel's electronic power steering decided to go on the blink. So Stan had a real workout hauling it around all the bends to get us home.
The bonnet didn't want to open, which has almost never happened before. Once that was fixed, tried the usual bettery disconnect to reset it. din't work. So flipped about with it a bit more, and eventually the flipping computer decided to allow us to have the steering back as it should be.
I can't help feeling this is a safety critical item and it should absolutely not be able to happen when driving. Lucky it was me and not W at the wheel. :mad::mad:
Have a nice arvo folks!
I meant to say after that pic of the wasps nest you posted that they look like different wasps to the ones we get here. The nests they build are open and have hexagonal compartments. Sounds like your ones 'home' if they are going back to where the nest was, I've never seen them do that here.

The electric power steering packing up in the Pluriel sounds quite alarming, it's a bit worrying if something safety critical as you say can go on the blink due to some wiring issue or an ecu blip :eek:

Electronics can become an issue and most of the recent faults we've had have been due to electronics, currently tyre pressure sensors seem to be a problem with it constantly saying 'adjust tyre pressures' no matter how many times I check and adjust them. It is supposed to self-calibrate after that and it is possible to cancel the message manually but neither method is making any difference. Randomly it warns 'punture' as well which I have started ignoring because there was no puncture. I have to admit one of the tyres had gone down a bit but not enough to trigger that warning and the puncture warning came up again while I was actually pumping it up :oops:
Nothing useful to report, so I am off to my pit.
Found out something useful today.
Copper doesn't "ring" but Brass does.
The vase thing we rescued from the MIL's shed yesterday that was the colour of an old tarnished copper pipe is in fact Brass.
I scrubbed it and got the dirt off and then polished it up with "Brasso" (only three-ha'pence a tin. You can buy it or nick it from Woolworths, but I doubt if they have any in.) and it came up lovely. Literally rings like a bell/gong.
Copper just has a dull "THUD".
Night! :)
That's probably why bells are brass