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I chopped its nose off to spite its face 🤣 🤣

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Well done on finding this, love it.
Personally I totally cannot get excited about the limpicks.
And Macron is using them as an excuse for not sorting out the total mess he has caused.
The editorials in the local press are ripping him apart at the seams.

He is one totally unloved mother-flipper! 🤣
And they want Marine Le Pen because?
And they want Marine Le Pen because?
"They" well fortunately not enough of "them".
She's a right wing populist, as are loads in yurope nowadays. Fortunately ther is a saying in Frogland to do with the fact that they vote twice in these elections, they say that they vote the first time with their hearts but the second time with their wallets.
So common sense prevailed and the pseudo-nazi party didn't get in, thank the lord.
Her supporters are a bit like a more hard-line version of Reform. But basically racist, etc etc.