I would just like to say

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Can you beleeve all these Merkin dicks wearing bandages over their right ears!!!
Wish they'd all go around wearing thick really dark glasses in recognition of Stevie Wonder! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Talk about a 'look at me I am injured' flag.
a) Could it be smaller?
b) Don't they do skin coloured dressings?
c) Even in Orange?

Happi Fridi peeps.
Why should I ?? the royals do nowt for me, for the amount of property/jewels/staff/security they have is sickening considering
the amount of poor families & homeless people are in the UK how many people have struggled to food on the table for the wee
kiddies. United Kingdom Pfffttt United my foot, its a joke the whole world has been laughing at us putting up with the likes of Boris & scams going on. Then theres us the working people get robbed on tax & vat at every turn. If they gave up a fraction to
help our country it would help bloody millions of people. Ive got more respect for the single girl down the road who has 3 kids & goes out working 2 jobs & still she has to go to a food bank. :mad::mad:

Just signing into the house of lords gets them 300 sovs how many hours do you work for 300 notes.
The pollution of politicians are only interested in lining there own pockets.
So the next time yous all get your flags out to wave at the royals waving back at you......they are waving & laughing at yous for the 10k of your wages that youve slogged your heart out for.

I will not say any more on this matter, everyone is different & everyone has there own beliefs. Nuff said.
The royals are a great advert for the uk. We roll em oot when needed. Tax and vat goes towards paying for fings like hospitals.
Beautiful start weather wise ☀️
Four new tyres on me trailer today, they were all cracked crossply and not worth the risk carrying me truck 250 miles on Sunday.
Cafe breakfast first with girlfriend (Her turn :)) Then bottom gearbox mount to fit to camper before it goes to new home in Hants.
Stay cool all ☺️