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Was it painful ??
Not painful at all. There is a disturbing sensation that someone is digging about in your eye but it can’t be described as pain. Afterwards I’ve experienced a dull ache for which I’ve taken paracetamol.
The weirdest thing is that visually it feels as if you’ve strayed onto the set of The Ipcress File. All the whirly coloured lights and a gentle voice telling you to look into the light. This takes all of 10-12 minutes and then you walk down the corridor and get a decent mug of builders tea and a choice of biscuits (Crawford's. None of your Spar Digestives). After a few minutes advice and receipt of a bottle of eye drops, you go on your way rejoicing, confident enough to negotiate the traffic on an industrial park.
It’s now eight hours since my op and my vision is probably 80% of how it will be when fully settled down.
A totally astonishing procedure.
The NHS is this country’s finest peacetime achievement. Let’s not let it die.
Mornin volks
Us boys bin uppun aboat verra bit, geddun dressed now an off ferra noose pepper.

(A very good morning to you, WL. I just thought I’d post brief note to inform you of my movements. I’ve actually been awake and busy for some little while and will shortly choose suitable attire and make my way into the town to patronise the local tradesmen, as is my wont).
Back home it's a dry climate down south it gets humid and muggy. I think it's more humidity that gets to me.
It gets flipping humid here. Being in the mountings we are often in cloud and get a lot of rain then when the sun gets turned on, it turns all that watter into humidity. We have a humidity gauge and it showed nearly 100% the other day!