I would just like to say

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Don't need to do it, just take the horizontal bottom match from the bottom and place it top right to make the 9,
But as others have pointed out, by making a whole line of 1s plus maybe a 7 at the beginning you make a much bigger number. No one said the matches couldn't be moved around. ;)
The answer is 903. All yer doing is adding a match to the current formation.
With the existing number of matches plus one, and even if you insist on a horizontal tail to the 9, you can still make 995.
So I'll see your 903 and raise you 92!
🀣 🀣 🀣
Wrong again. All yer being asked to do is add one match to make the highest number. It dunt ask yer to move natches. Yer adding it to the current formation. Ignore the comments. They have taken a puzzle beyond wot its asking yer to do.
Wrong again. All yer being asked to do is add one match to make the highest number. It dunt ask yer to move natches. Yer adding it to the current formation. Ignore the comments. They have taken a puzzle beyond wot its asking yer to do.
Not having the rule book to hand I cannot comment any further, but if that really is the answer then it is pathetically easy. I have looked as some of their other puzzles and they vary from, yet again, pathetically easy to a lot more difficult. And some are a little bit "tricky". ;)
Slow day today.
Weather has been kinda cancelled, high pressure gloom, but at least it isn't raining.
Spent the day doing paperwork and hunting for papers which I think must be in the UK, relating to harassment of us and opposite neighbours, by yet a third neighbour, back in Blighty.
Was hoping to find it so that I could contact the plod already involved to tell him about her harassing our daughter when she went to our place on Thursdi. It is getting to the point where we are going to have to consider taking out an injunction against her and her husband. What a state of affairs.
I know I came across the paperwork recently and thought I had brought it with me to here, must have actually found it just before we left. So wasted a ton of time searching.
Also had to do other stuff and still have one more big task to do.
Hate it, right pain.
Hope all others are having fun!

Surely the plod would have it on record, even if you don't have ref numbers you have details. if you phoned and asked/made a fresh compliant?

Slow day today.
Weather has been kinda cancelled, high pressure gloom, but at least it isn't raining.
Spent the day doing paperwork and hunting for papers which I think must be in the UK, relating to harassment of us and opposite neighbours, by yet a third neighbour, back in Blighty.
Was hoping to find it so that I could contact the plod already involved to tell him about her harassing our daughter when she went to our place on Thursdi. It is getting to the point where we are going to have to consider taking out an injunction against her and her husband. What a state of affairs.
I know I came across the paperwork recently and thought I had brought it with me to here, must have actually found it just before we left. So wasted a ton of time searching.
Also had to do other stuff and still have one more big task to do.
Hate it, right pain.
Hope all others are having fun!

Surely the plod would have it on record, even if you don't have ref numbers you have details. if you phoned and asked/made a fresh compliant?

Surely the plod would have it on record, even if you don't have ref numbers you have details. if you phoned and asked/made a fresh compliant?

Huh, You'd think!
But we tried that not long after the first complaint to just follow it up and add soemthing. Without the date etc they couldn't find it.
Ain't got the plod's name or collar number either. Tis all back home.
Can't remember any of it as the first complaint dates back to two or maybe even three years ago. They were obviously scared off by the pod's visit and his instructions to them. But she obviously feels immune if she doesn't address either of us as her instruction was to not address us. Not visitors to our property.
Might try making a fresh complaint and then connecting both up when we get back.
Really, REALLY don't want to be doing all this.
Dottir wasn't upset by it as she is a tough cookie and she is perfectly prepared to make a statement if nec.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Might try making a fresh complaint and then connecting both up when we get back.
Really, REALLY don't want to be doing all this.
Dottir wasn't upset by it as she is a tough cookie and she is perfectly prepared to make a statement if nec.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Probably best way to do it, If you explain where you are, its stress you and Mrs. Steamer don't need.

As someone new to this whole thing (I just bought my defender today, and even though I've wanted one since I was 8 I've never really been part of the community) this thread is bizarre...

I don't see why we have to fight over landie or rover is best... Defenders are the only true Landie's anyway.
As someone new to this whole thing (I just bought my defender today, and even though I've wanted one since I was 8 I've never really been part of the community) this thread is bizarre...

I don't see why we have to fight over landie or rover is best... Defenders are the only true Landie's anyway.
Welcome to the forum.
If you have not yet gone to the Introduce Yourself part of the forum then why not do so?
(More conventional threads are to be found all over the forum, if you find this one bizarre. ;))
As someone new to this whole thing (I just bought my defender today, and even though I've wanted one since I was 8 I've never really been part of the community) this thread is bizarre...

I don't see why we have to fight over landie or rover is best... Defenders are the only true Landie's anyway.

Firstly Welcome :).

Its always nice to say hello first (as suggested above) If you think this fred is bizarre then you best be very carful in some of the others.
We is a friendly bunch in ere, maybe we disagree to agree (or is that the other way roundπŸ€”) sometimes. We cover many diverse subjects and help where we can. We are many with lots of expertise/experience in different areas, doesn't have to be confined to LRs.

I have 3 flavors of LR they all have a reason in my life, never tried the FL flavor but hey never say never and always try stuff at least once;).
I don't care what others may own we love all ours as do owners on here (well most of the time:p)

Firstly Welcome :).

Its always nice to say hello first (as suggested above) If you think this fred is bizarre then you best be very carful in some of the others.
We is a friendly bunch in ere, maybe we disagree to agree (or is that the other way roundπŸ€”) sometimes. We cover many diverse subjects and help where we can. We are many with lots of expertise/experience in different areas, doesn't have to be confined to LRs.

I have 3 flavors of LR they all have a reason in my life, never tried the FL flavor but hey never say never and always try stuff at least once;).
I don't care what others may own we love all ours as do owners on here (well most of the time:p)

Thanks for the welcome.

I'd like to clarify that I was only jesting and perhaps my joke would've landed better had I actually replied to the post I was referring toπŸ˜‚. Anyway apologies for trampling any toes, to each their own.

Afternoon folks, busy day.
Seemed to have left b&q with another apple tree again. Oh well this one is already in the ground ❀️

Hi Newbie not all of us is bizarre and I think the point of the thread has slightly gone over your head a wee bit.