I would just like to say

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Me problem of magpies hanging oft me squirrel proof burd feeder has bin solved eye fink. Eye hung a metal hanging basket under it. Goes up the side of the feeder cage by an inch or two depending on angle as the burds sometimes land onnit. Tis about 3 inches widerer each side so it gets int way of magpies hanging around the bottom of me feeder. Sat int kitchen catching up on ere. Feeder is busy. Nearly empty again. Avving to fillit up every 3 days.
Eye has bort some raisins. Fink it will help me to stop snacking ont crisps. Found them int sainsberrys when looking for almonds for me squirrels. They sell em in shells and unshelled. Weren't sure if food shop ones are a problem fer squirrels so left it.
I had to repair a mates Focus dash back in the day, coated it with hairspray to stop it arcing again ...
I'm slightly interested in this as my ex had one and she said it just kept stopping for no reason at all while she was driving it. She'd switch it off and back on again to make it go.
Put me off ever wanting one.
I'm slightly interested in this as my ex had one and she said it just kept stopping for no reason at all while she was driving it. She'd switch it off and back on again to make it go.
Put me off ever wanting one.
Just a bad soldering fault. in my 5 years it had that and 1 coil and 1 shock and set of tyres.

When I get a new vehicle I always get new battery and bulbs so don't count that