Don't worry I'll be seeing a Quack or an A & E as soon as poss, tomoz.
Funnily, after someone on 'ere mentioned Covid, and after the thermometer said my temp was normal, I went and had a look at 3 boxes of Covid testing kits that we have. All were out of date but some not so much as others. The first one from the oldest batch simply didn't work at all, not enough liquid in the little phials, one from latest batch did work and implied I was negative for Covid.
Then just now I poured myself a glass of the wine left over from our lovely dinner by the Canal du Midi on Friday, it had been sat in the bottle ever since so should have been OK, I cannot seem to smell it or taste it. Yet I have no cold symptoms at all. My sense of smell is normally pretty good but not so today.
Wifey's thing seems a bit more like your do. Less me, as I said no ENT things at all, not even a bunged up nose to explain the lack of smell. Covid tests are not 100% reliable even when in date.
Hmm. We'll see!
Anyway we are going to have a light salad, some cold meat and scrambled eggs so that is an improvement.
Enjoy the evening folks!