Says it all really
My mother being a doc working in A&E I was never going to be able to get a bike. So I worked with my mate on his. Matchless, AJS, Triumph 650, etc. So I used to know a bit about them.
When I was first married a couple of neigbours had bikes too and one had a racing Kwaka, as he called it, we worked on it together, when he got it going, he took it for a "spin" around Canford Heath and you could hear him going all the way round it. and it ain't small!!!
My Dad had an upright Bluthner "grand" (i.e flip off huge and heavy) and at school being a boarder, and very bored, I made a key to open the grands they had in various places. I wasn't supposed to play them but if anyone saw me doing so they just assumed I had "per" and let me get on with it.
So I guess that kinda says it all.
W and I followed two complete plonkers on bikes going down the mountain road today. They were following a log lorry. There is only one or two safe places to overtake on that road which is pointless as it ends in a roundabout anyway. They had Swiss plates and were obvs on holiday. I stayed a bit back to avoid driving over either of them if they made a wrong decision.
Just like typical Frog drivers/riders, they hovered just behind it sticking their noses out all the time where it was impossible and when they got to the straight stretch where they could have gone, they just didn't. We see this SO often. Brit drivers really do know more about overtaking than they do!
Big Beemers with all the paniers etc. All the gear and no idea!!

W would have it on her dashcam except she doesn't know how to download it.

Otherwise I could give you all a laugh!