Had a look at the gutterin' and no it ain't the gutter, even the endpiece hadn't broked.
It was jammed up with leaves which have flow from lord knows where (probably due to the high winds we get up here) moss but worst of all flaked off bits of tile!

We have had to replace broken tiles before, so many that a neighbour, whose house was built by the same peeps who built ours just about a year before and who hasn't lost one tile, thinks we were given a job lot of seconds.
But on surveying that part of the roof where there are 576 odd tiles, about 1/4 at least of them are flaking off, quite dramatically. They will all need replacing sooner or later.
One right next to the wall of the bit in the middle, which has a "first" floor, had broken so I replaced that a moment ago. And squirted ant powder all around it as it was covered in the lickle blighters.
Where the flaky ones are is all towards the western edge of this north facing roof. The ones on the other, eastern, side of the house are all ok, more or less.
I haven't dared look at the two south faces and I am not dreaming of clambering up to the roof of the first floor bit without buying a longer stable ladder!
all fun, not!