I would just like to say

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Went oot me castle to the bin int back garden. On leaving the kitchen eye stepped into the patio. Me squirrel was at the nuts on the floor. He shot up the fence and over the garage. Eye took no notice assit happened so fast, as eye were walking to me bin just past me garage round the corner. Eye heard what happened and could see him running along the top of me garage apex. As eye went past said garage corner me squirrel came down the other side of the garage and jumped on me fence and down the other side ovvit. Fink eye scared him. Goob job eye has bortid him a pear.
I've been out planting Alnus Incana this afternoon. The weather was certainly bracing - There was quite a respectable hailstorm that beat down on me so hard that my wellies filled with hailstones and remained cold and wet and squelchy for the rest of the afternoon. The wind was hard at work making roaring and booming noises - is this what's disturbing the dogs @derwendolly ? Anyway, I'm in the shed enjoying a well earned supper and cup of coffee now.

There seem to be plenty of Cornish pasties in supermarkets, @Stanleysteamer. Just not very many in restaurants and pasty shops in Cornwall. I've loaded up with savory pastries of various kinds to come out for my weekend's tree planting. Maybe the solution is to buy loads in Tesco before going to Cornwall. Coals to Newcastle and all that.
. The wind was hard at work making roaring and booming noises - is this what's disturbing the dogs @derwendolly ?
Yes, that together with the odd burst of lightning. The constant cutting out of the electricity supply in very short burst. And I forgot - the cut in the water supply but they were on to that very quickly and had it all repaired in a couple of hours. But it's very mild.
Din't have me tomatoes in sainsberrys. Had to get them small ones. Gottid meself some more pure orange juice. Stocked up on discounted cereal. 4 tins of tuna for 0.69 sovs. Was 2.69 but eye gotted two vouchers wiv me nectar card. Place were busy wiv peeps wondering round looking lost. Struggled to find a parking space eye liked. They ain't big enuff fer hippo's if the other cars are close to the line.
This fing starts like a tratter

Quick let put emissions taxes up on cars to compensate