I would just like to say

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Me squirrel visited. About arf hour ago. It were a surprise to see him on me gate. Could only see him as a silhouette against the sky background. He paused to look at me. Eye turned round un seen him and stopped. Light were on so he had a good view of me int kitchen. His mouth were open so carrying a nut. Only took 5 of 7 today. He din't climb down his new stake. Used the corner of castle as normal.


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Eye fink you will find a shopping trolly is much more like a tratter and nowt like a freelander. Tis just like a tratter. Limited top speed. Vague steering. No suspension. Seating that makes yer fink yer sat on the floor. Yer get wet when it rains. Whole fing vibrates on tarmac.
You must have been in some right old wrecks mine's not like that
Tis a right pain too loosen when theres loads of weight been on it, so you end up chopping the rope lol

Bowling is my choice of knot as no matter how tight it gets you can always loosen it. :):)
Dead right! The art of tying knots is not how tight they go but how easy they are to untie.
Sheet bend, bowline, figure of eight, all very similar cos the "bend" that goes over the standing part is where you can get it undone from.
I got given a tow rope once with an overhand knot in it, I can't get it undone AT ALL though I must admit I have yet to hammer a marlin spike through it. (Don't stop me using it, it just flipping annoys.)

Just realised I said "got given". Hmmm! Got that "Kevstar" feeling!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣