All the taps I have ever fitted either have flexis you can fit before dropping the tap in or tails that you can also fit beforehand that take a compression fitting.
Mine was like that before chummy then fitted the compression fittings. Which is why I had to remove one to get the whole thing off, and then leave one off until the rest of it was through the hole than put totheren back up through the hole before winding it into the tap.
The massive problem was that after he had dropped the tap and pipes through the hole he then bent both pipes outward so they would go either saide of the waste. Not a problem for him but a massive problem for me as, being bent they didn't want to undo.
Still I took it all apart again today, took it in the garage, straightened the pipes as best I could cleaned up the threads as best I could as no taps or dies I had would fit the peculiar thread, then put it back together with plumbers grease. All this took a long time as no matter what I did the close proximity of the compression fittings and even the olives got right in the way. I didn't want to bend the pipes any more than necessary as I didn't want them breaking away from the threaded part and also I knew I would have to bend them apart again once I was under the sink. (Could have annealed them I suppose but then, no, probably not as that would have made the solder in the joint run. unless I was able to only anneal some of it.)
I then took it back up to the bathroom did the one pipe on, one pipe off, number to fix it back in place. reconnected the watter and left it while I had lunch to see if it would leak.
IT DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I have just fitted the rest of the gubbins back on and all is working beautifully. I even took the opportunity to turn it 180 degs so the pull lever is on the front where it should have been.
SO a very Happy Stanley!!!!!
AND it didn't cost me a penny as, being tother way round I could get a deep 12 mm 6 sided socket on the nut that secures it to the basin.
Will be celebrating tonight!!!
Hope you are all as happy with your day's work, if you have been doing any.