Had a bit of a disaster today.........water pouring through the living room ceiling running off one of the lights

I got the water turned off within 20 seconds but launched everything out the cupboard all over the place oooppps lol
the header tank is bowed in the middle

so poured over the corner of the tank, Youd have thought the water would
have came out the overflow (if it was fitted properly) bloody taped up higher than the header so no chance of that happening.

It was all replaced a few years ago ive got a funny feeling it was the plumber I got to fit in the cold feed for the shower pump.
Or its been the insulation fitters. When we run the cold water in the sink it seams to keep filling the tank quicker than its coming out the tap (confused) Ive adjusted the overflow so it works properly. Oh I nearly forgot the bloody over flow has a couple of
bends & a tee off with no blank on the end wtf it had some insulation stuffed into it so water poured out that on its way out.
Had another thought it could be Shady work by the Gas board ?? was too long ago to do anything about it.
New tank & ball cock required. Not sure if I should do this on the lead up to crimbo in case I have a disaster.