Bit chilly 'ere smornin. (Telly said we'd had the coldest November day for 30 years, a day or two ago!)
Had to run out twice in just my shirt to the end of the drive.
Forgot to put the bins out last night, so once to see if the bin men had bin, then again to put 'em out!
Blinkin tea went cold!
Doggies woke us at 5 to 8 as usual. we can't fool 'em!
Waitrose has delivered.
The booze we ordered from Tesco will be delivered Sunday.
W has some sort of "Christmas Slot" organised (oooh, Matron!!) for the rest of the special Xmas stuff.
All Christmas presents have been delivered. (Thank you tinternet).
So all that is left is to put up the decs, wrap the pressies and post off the ones going afar. So hopefully the only queue we'll meet will be in the post office, or what goes for one nowadays.
Nope we don't like the shops at Christmas neither!
(I don't like 'em ever, well except maybe tool shops.)
W just gone off to her armchair tai-chi.

@WhiskyLassie, yes the bobbin goes in from the front and you can wind it full, either from the reel directly or, if you don't want to unthread the sewing mechanism, from where it goes down to the needle in a right old cats cradle fashion! According to the manual.
Husqvarna Prisma 980 Computer, is the name of it and honestly it looks like one heck of a good machine. It even talks about sewing leather. So I am glad we now have two!
Have a good day folks!