I would just like to say

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Just in case anyone is bonkers enough to try it!
"Red diesel. One other word of warning. If anyone is thinking of buying "cheap" diesel, don't bother. It is more than likely rebated or red diesel that has had the dye stripped out. Forget all those fanciful tales of pouring it through fuller's earth to remove the dye, it's just not true. What they actually use is Oleum (fuming sulphuric acid) & cat litter (the active ingredient contained in it, that neutralises the smell of cat urine also does wonders at removing dye), lime or cement powder, then filter it again thru cotton wool or a one micron industrial steam filter. This not only strips the dye but also all of the lubricity agents and all the other additives that are added to DERV, anti-wax & anti-foam. The resultant toxic sludge is then dumped at the side of the road, with all the resulting environmental impacts. Oh... and because red diesel has a different SG to DERV, the hygrometer trick still works equally as well. Most HM C&E roadside testing (dipping) used to be done with a clear squeegee bottle and a pipe, they would simply take a sample from your tank, look at the colour, either nick you on the spot or put it back in the tank and let you go on your way. But now they have very neat, small portable mini labs to test your DERV at the roadside. Kerosene (28sec oil) is commercial/home heating oil which is known as 'kero' or 'paraffin'. It is straw/orange in colour, very clean burning (has a very low sulphur content) and economical to use, however it contains no lubricant and is thus not suitable as fuel for engines. Even when mixed 50/50 with DERV, HM C&E roadside checks can still detect it, using their new high-tech mini labs. "

There isnt many people with red diesel now so no point testing it at the roadside. One of the lads here uses all sorts of
oil engine used & cooking oil mixed with whatever he can get his hands on, its a vw golf & it reeks 🤣 🤣
I tried to get a pic when he was in front of me but he buggered off like puff the magic Dragon on cocaine 🤣🤣
There isnt many people with red diesel now so no point testing it at the roadside. One of the lads here uses all sorts of
oil engine used & cooking oil mixed with whatever he can get his hands on, its a vw golf & it reeks 🤣 🤣
I tried to get a pic when he was in front of me but he buggered off like puff the magic Dragon on cocaine 🤣🤣
There's an ancient A4 over here which I believe is driven by one of the McCain brothers.
There isnt many people with red diesel now so no point testing it at the roadside. One of the lads here uses all sorts of
oil engine used & cooking oil mixed with whatever he can get his hands on, its a vw golf & it reeks 🤣 🤣
I tried to get a pic when he was in front of me but he buggered off like puff the magic Dragon on cocaine 🤣🤣
I got it when we had a digger working on our land in France. No probs just took a 20 litre jerrycan to a fuel station that flogged it, which has gone now. :rolleyes: To be sure that we didn't have any left over I had to give the digger white diesel the last day or so.
The son-in-law who was here this weekend used to buy cooking oil from a supermarket and put it in his car back in the days when it was a bit cheaper. The supermarket weren't very keen on him loading up his trolley with the bottles! I bet my nextdoor neighbour gets it for his digger and tractor. I did think for a while about using a mix of straight diesel and used cooking oil, but the clean up of the latter looked like a right pita so didn't bother. Also it would not have been easy getting the used stuff.
I've come over to Wales early this week. I've got work stuff to do, but it is all online meetings which I can do from my shed, courtesy of Elon Musk. There are trees turning up for me this weekend so I'll be busy plating on Saturday and Sunday. On the way over it seemed like my lights weren't too great. When I got to Wales and was driving through trees the reason became clear - they were pointing too far upwards, so the upper parts of the roadside trees were beautifully illuminated. Hmm, that's funny, it was MOT'd the other day and surely they'd have said something if the headlamp aim was awry? It took me a little while to work out why. I was carrying a Hayter Condor mower in the back in pieces, and those things are heavy - at least 300Kgs I think. It brought a bead of sweat to my forehead getting it in, even though I'd dismantled it. So I'll see how the headlights look without a load in the back before adjusting them. No unpleasant smells of coolant as I was driving today, so maybe it was just my bottle in the back leaking last time.

It's very cold here in Wales. Those of you who say we don't get cold winters any more should come and visit me. Everything's very crisp and sparkly with a lovely big moon. Took me ages to free off the well pump, and the padlock on the shed wouldn't undo because it was frozen.

From yours turn left at Tarbet hotel keep going for a few hours.
I just Googled it and the "sneckie" is another word for Inverness, usually. So how you'd get to it going left at Tarbet I don't know, unless you came to the hotel from Inverary direction.
Have to confess not exactly sure where @kevstar 's abode is but didn't think it was thataway. :eek:
I just Googled it and the "sneckie" is another word for Inverness, usually. So how you'd get to it going left at Tarbet I don't know, unless you came to the hotel from Inverary direction.
Have to confess not exactly sure where @kevstar 's abode is but didn't think it was thataway. :eek:

Depends.....If I take the high road I can turn right at Tarbet 🤣