Had a bit of excitement on the film set (scrap ship covered in bird poo) Filming cut short we they decided to film inside
the co2 fire system room (full of full co2 bottles) they were in there n fractured one of the pipes & gas was coming out, as it
was in the main cargo hold everyone got booted out & to we had to crane all there gear off

One daft git was persistent says he had equipment inside the room, wanting inside to get it. No mate sorry its not safe
kept on & on so after a couple of mins I told him to pizz off an get off the ship. Then he came back & put his gear down
by the door probably waiting me turning my back so he could go in. Silly chap tbh, I lifted his gear & chucked into the
crane basket & shouted on the radio for my mate to lift it out haha he soon got off the boat.
Cant wait to see what he's left for me