Oh well the tranny brakes will have to wait, turns out the hub nut is 65mm ive got a 67 its may or may not remove it but
it will damage the nut as these things are solid

I went to the yard to find one & there was a floating caravan stuck under
the pier with some peeps on it. They'd managed to crash into the mooring boat was tied up ??? then ended up stuck.
I towed him out & into the boat hoist, I noticed he'd left his lad about 12 in a dingy struggling to tie it up &
he had no life jacket on so I gave his dad a hard time, told him I didnt want to see them down the pier without a lift jacket again.
Young lad couldnt tie a knot & was wearing a big heavy jacket leaning over the side of a silly wee rubber dingy when the wind
was forcing him away from the pontoon. Anyhoo thats my moan for today.
Back oot to put the halfshaft back in.