I picked the misses up in town tonight, decided to go into spoons for a bite to eat as it was getting late, sat down for 2 mins
then the misses went up to order food. I looked at my phone & got a hand on my shoulder (a mate) burst into tears as I shook
his hand wtf is going on, I got a bit of a shock tbh. His wife has got terminal C. She has been clear for 6 years then found a lump
on her throat. Shes a doctor & theres nowt they can do for her.

Then on the way home I went to the shop & on the way out I bumped into another landy mate from along the road, he's
had a stroke

& its affected his eye sight so not allowed to drive was saying he might have to sell his s3.
This is the 3rd person ive known in 3 days to be really ill.