Morning all.
Has rained a bit here. Still a little blowy.
Groceries just been delivered and put away. Pics of a rotten lettuce taken and sent off for a refund.

Musculoskeletal Doc yessdi actooly plays trhe guitar so is very sympathetic towards my hand problems. I am being sent for further x-rays and she is talking about injections and stuff to relieve the arthuritis. Much more positive an outcome than I expected.
Every day being a school day I am now reading up on what stuff is called and what it does on tractors as we need to get a small one for our Frog place to keep the undergrowth etc down.

I know 10 tenths of naff all about tractors and their tools so this is a steep learning curve.
If we don't keep it down the town hall might just send a team in to cut it "for us" then send us a whacking great bill.

The area is too big and the weeds grow too high and thick for our normal machine to be able to cope.
So Stan will have to add "Agricultural bush mechanic" to his portfolio.
I am so ignorant about all this stuff.

Fortunately our son in law uses this sort of stuff daily so he will be a big help. Shame he lives in Worcestershire!
Anyone got a Kubota they don't want?
@kevstar ?

At least I have a trailer now ~I can go and get one on.