I would just like to say

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I knew a lad years ago who was rough casting my mates house, he was busting for a pee n thought he'd nip round the back
of the garden then pulled it out n started to pee n looked up & saw my mates misses looking out the window 🤣
Then tried to nip it but was so busy watching her when he looked down there was a wasp on his nob :oops::oops:🤣

He tried to blow it off but it stung him twice 🤣 went to the docs as it was all swollen n said.....
can you take away the pain n leave the swelling 🤣🤣

Blow it off???? Did he not have two hands???

Hilarious, although it must have "stung"!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
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And I have to be up early to take W to her physio for 9 a.m.

as for the wasps.......

old skool method, wait till they are all in their nest, after it gets dark. Soak a rag in petrol and place it near the entrance to the nest. Leave it there all night. It should kill them with the fumes. But don't smoke a fag while doing it!!!

Under the eaves of a house I have taken a long thin waste tube, about 1" diam, rammed one end of it into the nest and sprayed strong wasp killer down from the other. It worked but I got stung a couple a times. Here in frogland they make wasp killer sprays that are so powerful they actually have a kick. Which do destroy nests.

W is allergic to wasp stings i.e. the need for an epipen and possible hospitalisation, so we take great care.
Funnily, (well not really) we sometimes get gurt, big, queen type ones buzzing fairly slowly around in the house. We aren't sure how they get in, we think it may be throught the vents in the french windows, but they are so slow moving they are an easy target. We think they are looking to start a new nest. Not being David Attenbooger I don't know the lifecycle of a wasp so don't know if I am talking round hairy objects or not.

Night all!!
So, at dawn tomorrow I shall be on the roof in me jim jams, tackle out, shaving foam in one hand and aftershave in the other. Suppose I can expect to be bailed by lunchtime. Don't think taking advice from me buddies on LZ is gonna stand up as a defence when in front of the judge. :eek:
So, at dawn tomorrow I shall be on the roof in me jim jams, tackle out, shaving foam in one hand and aftershave in the other. Suppose I can expect to be bailed by lunchtime. Don't think taking advice from me buddies on LZ is gonna stand up as a defence when in front of the judge. :eek:
But you'll have a lovely shiny sack, back and crack!!!!! :vb-banana: :vb-banana: :vb-banana: :vb-banana: :vb-banana:
old skool method, wait till they are all in their nest, after it gets dark. Soak a rag in petrol and place it near the entrance to the nest. Leave it there all night. It should kill them with the fumes. But don't smoke a fag while doing it!!!
Hmmmm. The nest is directly above the exhaust / air intake for me combi boiler. Gonna be interesting when I turn the hot tap on in the morning. Must check me fire insurance is up to date.
It has bin an eggsciting day. Spottid me sqwerrul eating a sunflower on me patio. When finished he went ferranuvver. The is 2 foot tall in big pots. Lot of russling and oft he goes wiv anuvver. Eatid at the bottom ov me garden. Later on he was back but went for berrys instead. Mag pies were at me burd feeder again.


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