so we went to the "vide grenier" in Soreze, today. (glorified car boot all over the town).
It's usually good, (this is the first time it has been held since Covid) but an hour's drive each way in a non air-conditioned car. Temps extremely high today.
Bought a few things, two crotcheted fings that W can put on the buffet/sideboard to protect the polished wood from the "objets d'art" that she will decorate it with. .5 €
A glass jug for wine to replace the two hand made ones we have but whose handles risk coming off, (amazing how many hand made jugs end up this way in our house, and we are very careful with them). €2
An American author's crime fiction paperback translated into French, I started reading out the back of the flyleaf to W in French with a fake American accent, much to the amusement of the lady stall holders. W told me I ought to get it and as I said to the ladies, it'll help me keep in practice. €1. W then held up two books "English grammar" and "the English verb" as if I needed them. again, guffaws all round.
But the prize purchase of the day was a steak hammer, in stainless steel with one smooth side and one with the usual double corrugations on. We have been looking for one like this for years, we have one in the UK that W bought in the US but have not been able to find another. A bargain at €10.
So a glass of rosé then back home. Still sweltering.
I am enjoying a Suze and Tonic while W is having a White wine Spritzer, (A drink the french cannot comprehend) before we think it might be cool enough to prepare the salad which apparently will pass for dinner.

(Ah laak 'ot dinna , me!

Enjoy the rest of the evening folks!