We're both really fed up today.
Far too much to do and our bodies are stopping us from doing it, or at least massively slowing us down.
Also the dogs require far more attention than usual, plus the septic tank has some form of a partial blockage again. Last year we cleared it and we still have no idea why it blocked in the first place, it's in the outfall pipe for heaven's sake.
Very quiet today the 15th is a bank holiday for some reason but also the anniversary of the day we met, 33 years ago.
So the Champagne is now in the fridge.

Still in the dog house though, didn't get her a card! Yet again! Normally never forget anything but this year her burpday, our wedding anniversary and now this one.
Ooops, lots of brownie points gone now!

She'll be making plum jam while I'll be trying to trim the oldest dog, have a good day folks!