Just got a very formulaic email from a private Dermatology bunch.
Didn't answer a lot of my questions.
Can't see me before the 9th of Sep anyway.
And want to charge me flipping 250 sovs for the pleasure of a "consultation" which will only tell me what the €55 one I had over here told me.

Lord knows what they would dare charge for the op.

God I wish we had looked more closely at this flipping thing about a week or two before I decided to go and get it looked at, and that I didn't have to be back before the visa runs out.
Both vets and private medical treatment over here are SOOO much cheaper, quicker and as far as the vet is concerned at least, better, than in the UK. All the medical stuff we have had to have over here has been brilliant. The aftercare also is fantastic. W's twice-weekly physio is good and lasts about 3/4 of an hour. It only costs €16 a session. Wonder how much you'd pay for a private physio in the UK? Well here you go, £200 to £300 per "consultation". No wonder students wishing to study it have to have the same A level grades as for a doctor.
Rip-off Britain.
This is really pushing us more and more into getting "cartes de séjour" and moving over here slightly more permanently.
I have already looked into getting my cataract done over here, it'd be less than a third of the cost of private treatment in the UK.
Rant over, for the moment.