Quiet on here today!
We went to the docs and he more or less said that W's ankle break and subsequent pain on the other side of the ankle was an example of "A tree that falls bringing down the rest of the forest" he used this more than once.
He meant that whatever force it took to break the ankle would also have had a distinctly negative effect on the other side of the ankle via compression etc. So it is more or less to be expected, so he prescribed a particular sort of compression bandage and using alternate cold and tepid baths on the foot and ankle.
At least he didn't think more harm had been done other than her having overdone things through not being able to feel stuff down to the paralysis in the foot. So no real worries although it'll prolly take an age to heal.
Did a load of washing and sorting other stuff out. Went up to the Lac de montagnes for a bevvy after the doc, it is always lovely and cool up there.
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then back home to feed the dogs then us!!!
Sleep well folks!!