I would just like to say

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The oppisition party always bash the gov about selling the nhs. It dun't happen. Fink back to blair and pfi. Cons said the same. Selling oft the nhs. Made worser when they got the waiting list down by using private elf care for nhs patients.
The NHS is a victim of its own success. Established when the uk population was under 50m and the population lean and mean after the war years. And life expectancy was a lot less than it is now. Better health care for all has seen the population grow to nearly 70m today so the NHS has got more people to care for, who largely have a less nutritious diet, obesity, and self inflicted health conditions which weren't so endemic 75 years ago. Privatisation of the NHS would divert the funds into the pockets of businesses and share holders, and not into investment for the health system. Like the railways. And I doubt it will ever happen. Not least because it is a certain election loser.
I think I have already related on 'ere the story of the kit car builder who managed to burn down his garage and contents , including the car he was building. He was lucky not to lose hi house.
He had put the petrol from his fuel tank in buckets.
1st mistake
He then proceeded to vacuum out his fool tank.
2nd mistake.

His home made jet engine flew off into his buckets.

the rest is history!

Yer I remember you talking about that, ive got a mate who set himself on fire last year drilled a petrol tank with a cordless
drill it went like this.....:vb-fire: 🧨 🚒 🚒 🚓 🚑 .........🤣 wot a twonk
The misses & her mates were sailing on the Waverley today my mate works on it so I was texting him to look out for her
they got a grand tour. Think I'll go on it next week & see him. :)
Used to see the Waverley often when I was sailing in the Thames Estuary. And on rare occasions, another Scotty ship, the Balmoral. Both make visits to that part of the world in the summer months.
Cheesy 🤣

Im good bud, we're thinking of having a wee holiday at the end of the year so spending very little on landy stuff atm
new kitchen to go in first & waiting on my builder mate to start the block work on my garage. Im just too busy with
boaty stuff to do it. Was looking forward to your project thread, talking of forward, did you get the 101 paper work sorted.
Not yet covid wiped out all our savings as we are tourist dependent and gov bodies just shut down and are still p.issing everyone off so on hold...we lost lease on shop last september but now have a bigger and better one round the corner silver lining was not paying rent over winter...
Not yet covid wiped out all our savings as we are tourist dependent and gov bodies just shut down and are still p.issing everyone off so on hold...we lost lease on shop last september but now have a bigger and better one round the corner silver lining was not paying rent over winter...

Feck sake :( Thats good youve sorted a better shop though onwards upwards. 👍
Guid morn
On a boat trip
Wishing you lot weren't here !


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It will come eventually sadly the cost is crippling unless people dont mind paying more taxes for it to move forward its on a slippery slope down the waiting list is getting longer the funding is inadequate as parts have already been sold off this will increase in the coming years figures are being manipulated to look good 😐
Its an easy fix. Too many processes slowing them down. Medical standards and new ideas take far too long to get approved. Speeding up the ability to allow change is the main fing doctors complain of.
The NHS is a victim of its own success. Established when the uk population was under 50m and the population lean and mean after the war years. And life expectancy was a lot less than it is now. Better health care for all has seen the population grow to nearly 70m today so the NHS has got more people to care for, who largely have a less nutritious diet, obesity, and self inflicted health conditions which weren't so endemic 75 years ago. Privatisation of the NHS would divert the funds into the pockets of businesses and share holders, and not into investment for the health system. Like the railways. And I doubt it will ever happen. Not least because it is a certain election loser.
Yer gorra fink deeper than just blaming share holders. How does a company raise money to invest? Borrow from banks or the stock market. Both want a return on borrowing. When maggy sold fings oft it was because the country was broke. Its why she won her first election. Years of union fighting, secondary picketing bringing industry and food supplies to a hault. Food rotting in docks because oil/diesel stopped moving so no transport. Shop shelves emptry. Thoysands being kayed oft each day. Propper winter of discontent. Not the fake version the opposition are pushing now.

Previously if state owned organisations needed money, the gov funded it. If they made a loss then the gov chipped in. Maggy changed it so companies owned the task involved like running trains. The company borrow on the stock market, not the gov on behalf of the tax payer. Companies run far more efficient than gov owned stuff. That gain if efficency far outweighs profits made which are misrepresented as a loss to the public and tax payer. If the gov does the borrowing instead then they flog bonds. They have to oay a return on thems anorl. Hence neither side has cost free borrowing but publuc ownership has risk free borrowing. Bond returns are lower.

Trains are essentially nationalised already. Companies bid to run the service. Gov picks a winner. They get paid to run the service. Payment based on how its run. All the ticket income goes to the gov. Hence service is run on a fixed price v what they does. Essentually national control and gov taking the proceeds. Mess up and yer lose out when gov take back the opperation.

Water is simular. Companies borrow to invest long term. Borrow today to put in a new sewage wuks that lasts for 30 years before needing major rewuks again. Borrowing paid oft during the 30 years or earlier by thems who use the system. Money borrowed from stock market. SM takes the risk if yer shares drop. Other option is to borrow from banks but that can cost more. Also we is talking hundreds of millions which is far higher than a bank will want to lend a water company to fund investing in infrastructure. The alternative is to go back to gov ownership but thems who talk about how this would wuk, who are honest, admit gov inefficiencies will creep in, above the cost of profits. So that dun't make gov owned stuff cheaper as the inefficiencies of large scale gov control are higher.

In reality local gp practice, opticians and dentists have been majority pritivatised years ago. Parts of the service that wuk betterer under private offering. Hospitals started using private services under blair if they could do the wuk cheaper to help the waiting lists reduce. But that's far from privatising the whole nhs. Its a small proportion of the service.