I would just like to say

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Sun is out but tis cold. Me birds is up un worms gone so eye put more oot. One got there but seen me wotchin oot window un scared so flew oft. Eye were 30 foot away. Another scared another bird away but he didn't eat himself. Me thinks he is keeping them int reserve fer later if he dun't get anyfink else.
@Hippo . So how much OT you have to do to pay for your mealworm habit, gets expensive:eek::D

Had our first pile of nexts years wood delivered, now got to get of me butt and stack it:)

@Hippo . So how much OT you have to do to pay for your mealworm habit, gets expensive:eek::D

Had our first pile of nexts years wood delivered, now got to get of me butt and stack it:)

Eye bought er 1.5kg bucket er mealworm fer £19.99. It said £24.99 ont shelf but it muster been int wrong place so it feels like eye got £5 oft. Eye dun't claim overtime. I just put me feet up ferrabit or buy something eye want ont company account. ;)
Just a warning there's a speed camera van down the road. Eye slowed down when walkin past then got faster when round the corner. Also the spelin un grammar undercuver police is erbout. Think herflic.

Next door had a cat with the same name ....

Oh poo. MIL has been discharged from hospital so she's on the way down.lucky the downstairs bedroom is set up.
Now need a good project for a few weeks To keep me out the way :eek::oops:
Get yer self an arm chair un block er wood fer garage. Place said wood under front of arm chair ter tip it back. Job done.