I would just like to say

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I can actually talk to the space station with the kit and licence I have currently. The extra privileges mean I can talk around the globe without having to have a huge 10m antenna in my garden...... just a huge 3m dish :D

Next time you speak to the astronuts say hello from the LZ family:), I didn't relise it was that easy (equipment wise)

Arrr a 3m dish:eek:. Good luck with that convo with Mrs MOL and the nieghbours:D.

Well the Snakemaster isn't quite on, cos its flipping raining!
Bit fiddly mounting, especially as the trailer is very low slung and I'm putting it on a Dixon-Bate. Too many options! But the bits to be attached to the vehicle are now done, and its been adjusted.
But the Brian James isn't the easiest to affix the plate to without drilling into its galvy chassis, the supplied bolts for one way of fixing it are too short. And some of the trailer's bolts are in the way.:rolleyes: don't want to start dismantling it and drilling massive holes!
The measurements are very vague for the mounting point for the plate too.
Just about to look at Scroofix.;)
Trubble is so many wipes are marketed as flushable. A friend came to stay in France and assured us that the wipes he had to use were flushable.
After he left, he left a pack behind, I put one in a bucket and left it in there for a month.
No change.:(:(:(
He was there 10 days.
Do not fancy going through the septic tank!:(:(:(
At least it still works. ;)
I saw a very simple demo from a water/sewage company.
They said.. to test it's safe for flushing just take a sample of it and put it in a sealed jar full of water and shake it for 1 minute. If the wipe does not disintegrate into minute pieces it should not be flushed.
My idiot BIL ran out of bog-roll so they used kitchen towel instead until the next shopping day. Blocked their drains. Idiots.
Got @ dr@in cle@ner outside m@king @ r@cket one of the neebs dr@ins @re blocked the
l@st time qit w@s further up n someone w@s chucking wipes doon the bog. :rolleyes:
The worst I had in the UK was disposable razers Bic 20 of them we found the perpetrator and he said But thay are disposable. I said year but not down the fluffing loo. IQ of - 10
So you've been there 18 years?
We had our house built with solar heated hot water back in 2008 which works like a dream. Plus a log burner. Hob burns gas from bottles. But then we are only there 6 months.
Good on your for living off grid. ;)
Yes we spent 10yrs when we rebuilt the stone ruins 3 yrs of that was in a caravan 8 yrs off the 6 month larke now we are full time
The worst I had in the UK was disposable razers Bic 20 of them we found the perpetrator and he said But thay are disposable. I said year but not down the fluffing loo. IQ of - 10

Fk off th@ts just @s dumb @s they come, :rolleyes: my brother in l@w bought @ disposable bbq
then went c@mping n found out he h@d no food c@use he thought @s there w@s @ pic of
burgers n stuff on the pack then they c@me in the p@ck h@h@ :D dumb coont lol
I have discovered that you can send images via the radio :D A neat bit of software allows you to send the data using SSTV protocols!!
View attachment 285247

looks like............
Right now here's a thing.
This blessed worktop.
I had a random moment and cut the end off my old one wot I is using as a template to see if cutting it at 90 degs instead of the angle it was at would be sort of OK allowing for the thickness of the tiles going over the new one.
Nope it weren't.
If I did it like that the end furthest from the window wall would be rammed tight against the side wall but further in it is now too narrow by quite a margin.:rolleyes:
So I want to calculate or "work out" the new angle to cut it at to get just enough of it to clear the tiles when I slide it up against the other end wall, then pull it back in so that some of it is under each set of tiles. The tiles stick out 10mm from each end wall. The other end is more or less straight 90 degs to the window wall.
So I started fiddling about with my big, variable angle, ptotractor thing and couldn't believe the difference even 1/4 of a deg made over the width of the work top, 707mms.
So, (oops) I thought id' sit down with some paper and a pen and do some maffs.
Now you will never believe this but I actually do have a very low grade A level in this. So I thought "I know Sine, cos, tan, I remember that stuff"!!!!

No, I flipping don't!!!
I said to myself, if I measure 707mm along an edge than the degrees at the subtended :)eek:) angle will be 45!
Yep, that is correct!
So then I started to think. "If I measure 353.5 along will the angle be 22.5 degs.?"
Then it flipping dawned on me that I'd have to measure to nearly infinity and beyond to subtend an angle of 89 degs.
so that ain't working.:rolleyes::(
So I switched on the internet and got completely bamboozled in no time at all.
I just do not have a mathematical mind.
So I guess I am just going to have to physically draw it out on summat and copy it across. :rolleyes:
I can do SOH CAH TOA but reversing it? With no log tables and no mathematical calculator?
Plus I have forgotten how to reverse it.And what the merty heck is a secant?

I give up.:(:(:(
Give me imperfect subjunctives anytime!:mad:
Make yerself a template oot of scrap wood first. When its ok copy it to the new wuk top.