Afternoon folks
Insurance done on 2 bikes and 1 car I have now spent the last of my allowance
, well apart from my slush fund stash
. £300 for the 3 only 3rd party fire theft. The young girl looked me up and down when I answered how old I was, I reckon she was think phwoor a good looking mature man, she was probably thinking what's an old man doing riding a Ducati
Off to the builders merchant for sand, cement and more pipe. Girl on the desk asks about transport (i.e did I want it delivered) I said no thanks, she looks out the window and wonders how I am gonna get it all in + 4m pipes in a 90, she couldn't see the little trailer
. The bloke loading looked at me a bit funny when I got me handsaw out the back and cut the pipes in arf chucked them in the back and off we went
So should have enough now to finish me piles
Been windy but dry and clear batteries full, stuff your elecy bills where the sun don't shine
Insurance done on 2 bikes and 1 car I have now spent the last of my allowance
Off to the builders merchant for sand, cement and more pipe. Girl on the desk asks about transport (i.e did I want it delivered) I said no thanks, she looks out the window and wonders how I am gonna get it all in + 4m pipes in a 90, she couldn't see the little trailer
So should have enough now to finish me piles
Been windy but dry and clear batteries full, stuff your elecy bills where the sun don't shine