I would just like to say

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Wuks fur me anorl..

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When you think about how many ways the body can go wrong, its a wonder any of us survive.

I'm convinced it's skin holding me together now.

Car is recovered finally and in the garage and getting a new battery because I'm obviously made of money.
Going to be totally bad and pour a wine.

Blessed solstice didn't turn out the best.

The witch cackles.

Put it this way I've very much been ready for 2023 since early on in the year. It's been one of the years where it's like let's throw as many **** things at you as possible.
Life can be like that sometimes and when it happens it can take its toll. Some things are outside of your control and it can make you feel a bit helpless but you have to tell yourself; if I cant control this situation then I'm not gonna waste any energy or emotion on it and instead, concentrate on what you can control. If life was good all of the time, it would get boring, its the bad stuff that builds character.

Life can be like that sometimes and when it happens it can take its toll. Some things are outside of your control and it can make you feel a bit helpless but you have to tell yourself; if I cant control this situation then I'm not gonna waste any energy or emotion on it and instead, concentrate on what you can control. If life was good all of the time, it would get boring, its the bad stuff that builds character.

Thank you. I feel sometimes can I just have an easy year. It's not been all bad but I'm really at my limit ATM. This is a good escape on here sometimes, it really is.