I would just like to say

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Apart from the disappointment re the MOT the rest of the day was interesting.
As soon as I got to the MOT station I had Andy Saunders putting a copy of his book hot off the press into my hands. I had a very good look through it while the MOT was going on. If ever a guy deserved an honorary doctorate for car design he does.
Anyway that was my Xmas present sorted out, he sold me a copy from the first 200 he has had printed, a bit cheaper than normal list price. (£80) Totally looking forward to reading it cover to cover. Anyway he was so cock-a-hoop over it all that I knew I wasn't going to get a chat with him about the Chesil. So left it. The guy is a freaking genius.
Anyway, left him and on my way home called in on a couple I have known for years.
The wife was on the phone and once off it she told me that it was "The Repair Shop". Again!
Apparently they ring her up quite often for advice or for spares or other stuff. She is one of the best doll repair people in the country. But the stories she told me about them! (I never realised she had such close contacts with them.)
She was telling me that the ladies who do the teddy bears are sh!t hot when it comes to bears, but quite rubbish when it comes to dolls. :eek:. They even ordered the wrong bits off her, then bodged them onto a doll horribly. too many stories to relate here, but all fun. They asked her to be on the prog, but things militated against it. One time she managed to find an ideal project for them but......it didn't have a "story". Feckin TV, eh?:(:(:(
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The doll lady and I also talked about moulding little bits to replace stuff like the broken bit on my coin tray in my Disco 2. the thing that locks it shut or , with a push, lets it open. Obvs I have 2 others on the cup holder and the ashtray, to make a new one from, so after a bit of a chat and a look at bits she uses to teach her students with, she gave me a pack of two pack moulding stuff to make one from. So all I need is to find some sort of resin to stick in the mould once it's made and I'm off.
Fink I'd better have a look at modelling websites!;)