I would just like to say

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They started here weeks ago I should get mine soon cause wot happened to me.
You should have had yours by now shurly :(
Had my invite while we were away, found the envelope in the hoose.
Wifey had one just before we left but she is older'n me and fitted into the tranche of age they were giving them to. So i prolly missed it. :rolleyes:
Damm thats unfortunate get on the phone to get it, you'll probably have to travel miles to get it.:(
I've already done this sorta thing, dead right, Salisbury or somewhere even further away, :rolleyes:
But Wifey got an appt at a more local place so I emailed my practice and got a reply to email the same place. Have had the automated reply, so i daresay I'll hear soon. Not too bothered at the mo as we are keeping ourselves pretty quiet. Barring going to the theatre on Satdi!:rolleyes:
I've already done this sorta thing, dead right, Salisbury or somewhere even further away, :rolleyes:
But Wifey got an appt at a more local place so I emailed my practice and got a reply to email the same place. Have had the automated reply, so i daresay I'll hear soon. Not too bothered at the mo as we are keeping ourselves pretty quiet. Barring going to the theatre on Satdi!:rolleyes:

Id wear a mask if I was going, my mate who has been mega careful throughout the whole covid
thing, first time out went to a concert 2 weeks ago with his family now caught it.
Id wear a mask if I was going, my mate who has been mega careful throughout the whole covid
thing, first time out went to a concert 2 weeks ago with his family now caught it.
Unlike a concert the theatre will be full (of old farts (like us) who'll all be Covid jabbed up to the hilt.
also they run the theatre well, lots of airflow etc. But yes i think I prolly will. Doubt wifey will though.:rolleyes: